I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse, but it's fairly clear to me that the meaning of "pinna interaction" that
@olieb is using is the distortion of soundwaves due to interacting with the ear, which obviously doesn't occur with IEMs because the source of the sound is inside your ear (resonance peak notwithstanding).
Variances in frequency response due to variances in insertion depth, which is what Resolve is talking about, is not the same thing and I think you know that.
@olieb in my opinion what is wrong with the Harman target and therefore IEMs that tend generally towards it like the Zero:2 (yes I know before you all jump on me it's not exactly Harman) is not any specific problem but what you hint at before, that variations in HRTF might impact personal preference more than currently researched. To me having an OE target makes sense because speakers and headphones are "interacting" with the pinna in a similar enough way that you can use what the dummy head hears on both as a decent proxy for what we hear. The research clearly bears this out. I'm not sure the same can be said of the IE target, as it seems to me mainly a way of describing what sounds good to the dummy head.