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$1 Million Cable Challenge

Enjoyed the video, @SimpleTheater . I had suggested on another post that an AI robot with sensitive sound transducers be the judge on audio gears, perhaps in this case can also be the judge on audio cables to find differences between them. The AI robot can then decide which is "preferable" based on the total points of variables such as soundstage, musicality, airiness etc. Owh, the A in AI is Animo :D.
Scam , and no you do not need this bit of junk, use it as a fishing weight , and buy a Tektronix's pro scope. And not a digital pile of poo.
Have fun.
i just like the rigol ds1054z quad scope :)
What I would do is make a cable so bad it actually changes the sound.
What I would do is make a cable so bad it actually changes the sound.
QED Silver Anniversary.

Literally the only time I've heard a cable make things sound undeniably different. Unfortunately the difference was a screeching horrible mess.

To be fair to QED, I went back to my cheapo 1980s Audio Technica cables and instantly saved myself enough to upgrade my speakers. So they did improve the sound of my rig after all
What I would do is make a cable so bad it actually changes the sound.
Mix Litz 3 X 21 strands at 0.3mm dia each with 0.3mm X 21 strand bare copper, i.e. like the TQ Green and Ultra Green ideal for One note Naim amps.
It sound OK on Naim but on other faster amps the sound was well rolled of it had lost it attack, And the longer the cable the worse it got.
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