
  1. D

    Custom cable manufacture thread/list?

    I've searched the forum several different ways and I couldn't really find anything. Do we not have a thread/list of custom cable manufactures somewhere on the site? To be clear I'm not talking about snake oil garbage, I'm talking about companies that uses industry standard cable and connectors...
  2. Perryb

    The "audiophile" cable test

    Hello, this is my first post on the forum (having lurked about on here for a number of years and thank you all for all the highly informative posts!). So a quick preamble: For many years I have happily accepted that aside from build quality there is very little or nothing about audio cables...
  3. F

    Cable argument put forward by a scientist

    I stumbled on a video series by someone ( Reviews by Wave Theory ) who claims to be a Scientist with dual PhD in Physics and STEM. Each video is fairly long and his 4 videos released putting forward his argument are over 140 min in total. If anyone here has watched his videos on the subject...
  4. S

    How to choose cables ?

    Hi Guys, Sorry for the dumb question, but how to choose cables for the speakers? I read couple of threads here, but could find a simple answer :D. I ended up with Lintons 85 and Leak as an amp, but now need to connect them. Do I need to bother or just choose any cable ? I don't know what...
  5. K

    Cables to match WiiM Amp paired with Dali Blue 6006 loudspeakers

    Hiho I'm looking to buy the WiiM Amp as soon as it's available in EU: Going to use the amp with Dali Blue 6006 loudspeakers, specs can be found here: According to the user manual for the...
  6. Jeromeof

    Why does an Apple cable cost $130

    This is a very interesting video Adam Savage YouTube channel used a CT scanner to look inside an Apple thunderbolt cable and compared the engineering with an Amazon Basics and an even cheaper cable. And crazy as it might seem I can totally see how Apple can justify the cost of the cable...
  7. S

    Electric humming noise in speakers, probably from 2xRCA to 3.5mm jack cable | Any advice?

    Hi, I have an unorthodox setup. I have my computer connected over HDMI ARC to the NAD T748 receiver. Using the receivers RCA pre-outs I connect it with 3m 2xRCA to 3.5mm jack cables to two pairs of KEF LSX speakers for 4.1 surround (Awaiting one LS50 anniversary for center channel). I have...
  8. M

    Connect two PC's to Topping D90SE

    Hello everyone, I'm not very tech-savvy, so I'm turning to the forum :) I'd like to connect a Windows PC and a PC with Daphile to the Topping D90SE DAC, which has USB and I2S inputs. I found this interface sold by and this...
  9. N

    What cables shoudl I use? (KRK monitors to interface)

    Hi! New to the forum but been producing for many years as a hobby. Just recently started focusing more on improving my overall sound quality and have a kinda new beginners question. Finally was able to buy an apartment with an extra spare room so Im now planning this to be my little home...
  10. differenceclouds

    Great video comparing qualities of RF cables

    An interesting look into a field where the subtleties of cable design really do make a large difference. There's a bit around 14 minutes in where he compares the frequency response of a well engineered cable and a more generic cable after being twisted around. Not only is it interesting that the...
  11. N

    Western Electric WE16GA versus Ordinary Cable (Any cable for that matter)

    I'll be up front and totally honest here,I am a cable denier.Just so you know where my vote is going. Does it matter if I use zip cord for speaker cables?
  12. momonone

    Mogami usb cable?

    Hi all, want to ask which of the Mogami cable best for usb cable (DAC)?
  13. kflw935641

    Shielded interconnect / RCA / cinch cables don't seem to matter

    Archimago tested various RCA cables for their noise performance, and came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter: I somewhat had a hard time finding information via the search function here if shielded cables...
  14. Bling Guy McSqueezy

    Found a good store for DIY.

    Found a good store for DIY.
  15. T

    Mogami 2549 vs 2534

    Hi all, I'm going to knock together some interconnects and just wanted to double check as to the reasons one would choose one of these cables over the other. I'm almost positive the real world differences especially in such a short length of cable will be practically nothing and I imagine even...
  16. heita0

    Is there likely to be a difference in audio quality between these two balanced-to-unbalanced adapters?

    To use my Sony IER-Z1R with plain 3.5mm sources when I need to, for convenience, I am getting a 4.4mm female to 3.5mm male adapter. Between option 1 and option 2, is there likely to be any difference in audio quality? I obviously don't expect an adapter to add to the quality, but I am concerned...
  17. C

    Introduction—and thanks for pointing me to Adam Audio (with questions)

    Hello! New member here, although I’ve been lurking long enough to have gained some valuable knowledge. One thing I learned about is the Adam Audio T5V. I was curious, so I bought a pair from my local Guitar Center, and I must say, I am VERY impressed. To me, one of their biggest virtues is that...
  18. Raindog123

    Measured (!) speaker cable difference!?

    Hi Folks, Within the latest speaker-cables yack ("yet another kabels conversation") mostly filled with typical fluff, a rather intriguing piece of data was posted. An ASR member @Balle Clorin presented his old FR (frequency response) measurements of various commercial speaker cables. The...
  19. S

    Please help with headphones "Balanced Cables"

    So I ended up buying an amp with two 1/4" audio jacks for headphones balanced connection. I have standard cables for HD6xx and K712 pro with the 1/8" jack plus 1/4" adapter. Kindly advice if there are separate "balanced cables" which I would need to buy separately for these two HP's, or would I...
  20. SimpleTheater

    $1 Million Cable Challenge

    After James Randi passed away a few years ago, the idea of a $1 million cable challenge vanished with him. Until now! In what can only be surmised as amazing showmanship, Dr. Tist of First Run Copper cables has decided to bring the challenge back, but with a twist. Instead of challenging the...
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