
  1. N

    HD6xx Amp - A want or a need for my case?

    I've been searching through forums and have gotten some decent answers but still kind of looking for one pertaining exactly to my question. I apologize if a similar question has been posted many times. Basically, I produce electronic music on ableton, specifically house/garage and I decided to...
  2. O

    DAC/AMP for the HD6XX?

    I read tons of reviews and articles, but I'm still between the Topping DX3 Pro+ and the FiiO K7. Which one should I get? Also, for the FiiO, do I need a balanced cable?
  3. Z

    The best dac/amp under 100$ for Hd6xx?

    Hello guys, my hd6xx will arrive in 2 weeks, I want to purchase a dac/amp under 100 for it, I don't want to compromise power because people say that they are quite difficult to drive, is it even possible?, portable ones would be really really nice. I have these in mind: Topping dx1 Tanchjim...
  4. S

    7Hz Timeless AE vs Sennheiser HD6XX

    I recently bought the Truthear Hexa to dive into the world of audiophile. I am considering purchasing another device to compare and contrast the two. My options are: Massdrop X Sennheiser HD 6XX Headphones - $229 7HZ Timeless AE - $259 I want to learn more about my preferences in music...
  5. T

    HD6XX Cable + Topping L50 E50 stack

    Hi, I have a Topping L50 E50 stack and connect it with TCT1 TRS cable. I also have an HD6XX and this cable came with it: I have a question if one of these wires would give a better audio experience? Thank you
  6. J

    Best dac amp for hd6xx + iem?

    Hi Everyone, This will be my first serious purchase and my current budget is around 1500 dollars(USD). I planned to buy the 6xx and will probably buy a good iem like the U12t in the future. Many mentioned that the RME-adi2 dac amp combo is unbeatable at its price point and has a dedicated 3.5mm...
  7. M

    Would DX3 Pro+ be a decent improvement over my 2021 MBP for my HD 6XX

    Hey there, total noob here! My main use case is music production with virtual instruments. I have seen the measurement threads but to be honest, I don't know what any of those stuff means. I need some guidance here. The HD6XX sounds decent when driven by my macbook but I feel like it falls a...
  8. N72826

    need a solid phono preamp for a SL-1200MK7

    I’m quite new to the audiophile realm and the amount of knowledge you guys have is truly admirable. It’s precisely why I decided to start a thread, I want to exercise as much restraint as possible when considering purchasing a phono preamp or whatever is required in order to utilize my current...
  9. desmomusic

    Comfort and Quality Upgrade?

    I'm struggling to figure out where to go next and hoping the group can weigh in. I'm a little picky about the comfort of my headphones and I typically engage in extended listening sessions that can get frustrating with an uncomfortable headphone. I do, however, care about sound quality and...
  10. G

    Upgrade from a Philips Fidelio x1s Headphone to...?

    Hi guys I own a Philips Fidelio x1s. Which upgrade would be interesting in the price range up to $ 500 Would these be good options? Massdrop HD58X Massdrop HD6xx Hifiman HE400
  11. H

    Help with a best combo for hd6xx

    I am new in this world of hi fi and to start I bought the hd6xx from the drop company, those headphones will arrive in 1 week. I'm looking for an amp + dac that can be a good combo with these headphones (the best I can get with my budget) for each one I have approximately $ 160, and I'm looking...
  12. tinytea

    Searching for the 'missing' piece in <$200 headphones line up to end 2020

    Hello, Nice to meet you and thanks for your time! Introduction/ non-related info to the post subject. Excuse me if I rant here and there. This is basically my first post on ASR so it's somewhat of an introduction post as well...haha...nice to meet you! I am a relative newcomer to the...
  13. 312elements

    A journey in setting up a personal listening station. The Good The Bad and The Ugly

    It was about 10 years ago that I bought a pair of Grado 225's and I thought it was a real big deal. The local shops here in Chicago push Grado hard, they looked cool, and they fit the budget. I think at the time I purchased a little Fiio amp to go with it, and I was as happy as could be...
  14. B

    Best Option for HD6XX: Archel 2.5 Pro, L30, or THX AAA 887

    Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I have a pair of Sennheiser HD6XX and am looking for a headphone amp to drive them properly. I currently have a Topping D30/A30 setup and I really don't like the A30 with the HD6XXs, it seems too noisy when you boost the gain to drive them. So, I'm considering the...
  15. E

    Best Sounds for $400-$600 budget DAC/AMP

    Looking for recommendations on a $400-600 budget on a DAC/AMP combo or separate (but within the budget total). I'm running the HD6XX headphones, XLR. Located in ON, Canada. I've been looking at the Monolith 788 for the past few months now and it has great reviews, and finally is back in stock...
  16. dpippel

    FS: Corpse Cable GRAVEDIGGER for Sennheiser HD650/HD600/HD660S/HD6XX - 4ft XLR Terminated

    Just purchased this and discovered after it came in that it's just a bit too short for my application. BRAND NEW: Custom GR∀EDIGGER Cable for Sennheiser HD650 / HD600 / HD660S / HD6XX Headphones - 4ft / 1.2m / 4-Pin Male XLR - Neutrik XX Series - Gold Contacts × 1 - $165 New. Same as this...
  17. H

    Upgrade path for HD6xx?

    Hi guys, I am currently using Fiio K5 Pro as my amp/dac to power my HD6xx. However, I felt it is slightly underpowered for my HD6xx as I would love more power. The reason lacking power is I set the preamp as -10 to reduce clipping based on the oratory1990's profile. Is there any recommendations...
  18. C

    Opinions: Jotunheim+Modi3 vs DX7Pro ?

    Hello ASRers, first time poster. I created this account to ask what’s your opinion for upgrading from a Fiio Q1Mk2. Jotunheim + Modi3, or Topping DX7Pro (or DX7s for $200 less)? Read a lot of reviews, watched a lot of youtube, but I’m none the wiser; people rave about both, people hate on both...
  19. E

    Need advice for buying amp/dac for HD6XX!

    Bought the HD6XX awhile back. I need to buy amp/dac combo or separately since I'm using these at my desk on my PC and my mobo isn't able to put out anywhere near enough to power these cans. So any suggested amp/dac's for this headphone to really make it shine but not break the bank. I'm in...
  20. R

    Not a FS post, but a deal available on Drop for anyone interested

    https://drop.com/buy/sony-wh-1000xm3-sennheiser-hd-6xx-headphone-bundle#overview Best ANC headphone for noise cancelling on the market + venerable favorite in the Budget Audiophile space for 400 buckaroos.
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