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Dutch & Dutch 8Cs

I have measurements taken in my listening room, which is irregularly shaped and, frankly, terrible. I'll share measurements when we move to a house and I get them set up in a proper listening room.
I'd be very interested in the measurements taken in difficult rooms, and how your subjective opinion matches the measurements, i.e. do any measured problems seem audible.
I have some ‘in-room’ on my site, I measured ATC, Kii and Dutch&Dutch from the same spot speakers in the same positions, the Three/8C measurements are much tidier.
No subwoofer needed unless you wish to use them destructively.
I have measurements taken in my listening room, which is irregularly shaped and, frankly, terrible. I'll share measurements when we move to a house and I get them set up in a proper listening room.

Well, please show what you have now to provide a datapoint for a nice before/after discussion on how well they work in sub-optimal (that's all of them isn't it) rooms vs less sub-optimal rooms...
I'd be very interested in the measurements taken in difficult rooms, and how your subjective opinion matches the measurements, i.e. do any measured problems seem audible.

Well, please show what you have now to provide a datapoint for a nice before/after discussion on how well they work in sub-optimal (that's all of them isn't it) rooms vs less sub-optimal rooms...

Too busy working and making money right now. I haven't had a day off since April.

Why don't you guys buy some and test them in your respective rooms? There are a lot of measurements of the 8Cs on the internet already.

I have a feeling one poster wants measurements so that he can say they're worse than speaker X made by Genelec. But I've ignored him, so I don't know for sure.
Decent? You're a hard man to please :)

I've long wished there was something out there where the end user could buy a hi-fi like an appliance, and get fantastic results without having to know a lot about acoustics and electronics, or a lot of luck, these seem like that are that product.

The Kii Three appears to be designed with similar goals.
Decent? You're a hard man to please :)

I've long wished there was something out there where the end user could buy a hi-fi like an appliance, and get fantastic results without having to know a lot about acoustics and electronics, or a lot of luck, these seem like that are that product.

I haven't heard this speaker . It seems to verge on the "spectacular" side by most if not all accounts. I also like the "appliance" aspect of the 8C (and the Ki Three)... here is a real sound system with stellar objective , thus subjective ( Am I entertaining a debate?) performances at a sane price ( a subjective call here). Not a "Lifestyle" system. I am getting more than interested.
Outside of them being a relatively small outfit I can’t see why anyone ( certainly in the uk with our kinds of houses) would look beyond these 8C speakers.

They make perfect sense and in terms of hifi will save you some money and a whole lot of arsing about.
Outside of them being a relatively small outfit I can’t see why anyone ( certainly in the uk with our kinds of houses) would look beyond these 8C speakers.

They make perfect sense and in terms of hifi will save you some money and a whole lot of arsing about.

Of course it makes sense to look beyond these 8C speakers. I'm, for example, looking beynd them to the 8D speakers, hopefully coming soon, which will have DAC inside, coupled with WiFi, and also a beer barrel and the pipe so all my needs will be covered with them. :p
Of course it makes sense to look beyond these 8C speakers. I'm, for example, looking beynd them to the 8D speakers, hopefully coming soon, which will have DAC inside, coupled with WiFi, and also a beer barrel and the pipe so all my needs will be covered with them. :p
Umm, thinking about it Dutch and Dutch missed a trick not putting a bottle opener on these speakers.

Maybe if there’s a remote control they can rectify this oversight.
Of course it makes sense to look beyond these 8C speakers. I'm, for example, looking beynd them to the 8D speakers, hopefully coming soon, which will have DAC inside, coupled with WiFi, and also a beer barrel and the pipe so all my needs will be covered with them. :p

It has a DAC. So you’re almost there ;)
Four DACs in each in fact, digital or analogue is via XLR , you choose which via their app.
Ok, I see. Nope, I'll wait till they are able to accept USB connectivity and/or till they put inside another board running Volumio or something similar, like there is in MiniDSP SHD.
Ok, I see. Nope, I'll wait till they are able to accept USB connectivity and/or till they put inside another board running Volumio or something similar, like there is in MiniDSP SHD.

As far as I understood it, they are working on a Dutch & Dutch digital preamp-thingy, with different kinds of inputs and digital aes/ebu output. But the minidsp SHD Studio should do more or less the same thing. They are also working on getting them roon ready, so one can use roon for streaming directly to the 8Cs. But I highly doubt they will do any physical changes to the connections to the speaker itself in the foreseeable future.
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