Thank you Gary G for your reply. I assumed as much but I like to continue my learning process in this hobby. I originally had the Naim and Focals. Loved the sound, my first REAL system. Then I read so much about REL so I added one. Like many in this hobby I wanted “bigger/better” so I acquired the Parasound. From what I read, adding upgrades to already quality gear can lead to subtle but positive improvements. Such was the case with the A 23+. Right now I am enjoying the sound more than ever but like to know my options for "chasing better sound."
I read the manual and reviews of the P6 and understand the Sub Outputs. I have the REL connected using the High Level Input via the A 23+. While it would be nice to use the P6 to control the REL (Low LeveL Input) and use the knob on the front to adjust the gain, it seems a high investment for something I would rarely use. The Main Output Crossover looks interesting too but again, return on investment ….
The Naim seems to be an amazing piece and adding more Class A/B power seems to work well.
Lastly, since I didn’t want to make the original post as winded as this one, I have a dedicated listening room that is strictly 2.1 channel audio streaming Qobuz via Roon. That's another reason I questioned this purchase. I didn't need all the inputs on the P6. Just looking for SQ gains. Just trying top get a handle on the preamp in the Naim as compared to a separate and same for the streamer.
Thanks again!!!