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Topping DX7 Pro+

If it were balanced, it would have 3.5-4 watts of power, making it quite good for hard to drive phones.

Looking at all recent releases Topping releases apart from the A90D, thinking Dx3pro+, dx5, g5, nx7 the NFCA module being used appears to be roughly the same power output and specs. Also not balanced and any small differences come from the dac implementation.

I'm wondering if the Dx7 pro+ uses the same amp module as all the others.
This thing seems to have stellar BT performance because it routes the BT digital signal to the 9038Pro. Wolf's test showed that.
LDAC user should be very happy. QCC5125 is also better chip than the usual QCC30xx series.
@amirm Please also test BT performance if possible when you get to it. Thanks!!
Stupid question, but have you tried another cable? I can jiggle the USB cable on my trusty old scanner all I want during operation, and it's not bothered in the least. Granted, it's just USB 1.1 at 11 Mbit/s, but still.
All my source devices are usb-c only these, so I've been trying to find a usb-c -> usb-b cable to reduce the number of adapters, they aren't readily available in my area. Topping put so much effort into all this product range stuff, etc... but seems to miss ui/ux things imo.
All my source devices are usb-c only these, so I've been trying to find a usb-c -> usb-b cable to reduce the number of adapters, they aren't readily available in my area. Topping put so much effort into all this product range stuff, etc... but seems to miss ui/ux things imo.
Search for "USB-C Printer Cable" for more hits/availability.

People complaining about DAC not having USB-C jack should see all the reported issues with USB-C equipped SMSL/Sabaj dacs when working with a c-to-c cable. USB C-To-C works great for charging. But comes to data transfer/OTG protocol negotiation it is a crap shot and each device might behave differently with its own implementation.
If you have a usb-A plug on the other end it pretty much forced the OTG role negotiation and will work all the time. USB-C on both ends it tries to be the jack of all trade (non-directional, etc.) but master of none if it does not work 100% of time when you needed it to. I will take a DAC with USB-B jack all day; at least for now.
while your answer is correct, power graph does not tell anything related to amp module being used. it's only describing the behavior of the power limiting circuit.
DX5, EX5, DX3Pro+ for instance, uses the same amp module.
DX7Pro+ uses the same amp topology, but with different buffer.
Search for "USB-C Printer Cable" for more hits/availability.

People complaining about DAC not having USB-C jack should see all the reported issues with USB-C equipped SMSL/Sabaj dacs when working with a c-to-c cable.
Probably a implementation issue rather than a usb issue. My usb c dac amps work just fine
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Probably the biggest disappointment of this model. It's not the end of the World but it would still be justified to have a fully balanced combo for such price.
I am actively considering purchasing Fiio K9 Pro Ess instead. First, it is fully balanced. Second, slightly more powerful. Third, dedicated physical input/output buttons, two ESS 9038 Pro's inside . But the negatives are - no remote, no screen and only the app on the phone and no ASR measurements.
They completely redesigned it when the Sabre ESS version came out. These measurements are not valid anymore.
The AKM version is still on Fiio's website and available both new and used online. Wolf's measurements are still very much valid imo.
Something is going on with the review. Probably a PR "crisis" with the fact that the HP is fake-balanced (as relevant or irrelevant this fact is).
More details are available on "Audiophonics internet site" (since today):

Perhaps Amir have already receive one from Topping, his review is for very soon !?
I am considering the DX7 Pro+ for Utopia / LCD-5. I read in one review that it may not have the power output necessary for peak demands - does that align with the measurements and data available?
Well, the 4.4mm jack is not balanced:

View attachment 228006
Well spotted.
Not that it matters, balanced is not magic!
Indeed, if SE has enough power, that according to spec. it does, it is superior to balanced, at least on paper.
Balanced is only good for battery operated devices that can not output enough voltage using SE, otherwise it is detrimental to SQ, again, on paper.
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