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TOPPING Audio Interfaces Coming soon!

2*4 would sound more reasonable.
Something like Focusrite products for example Focusrite Scarlett Solo ?
Yeah... unless they get their drivers together, I don't see this making a dent.
Hugely excited for this. Moved from pro interfaces to the Dm7 as you just can't beat the D/A for the price.
The big 'get' for me would be if these support more than 8 channels of analog out OR the ability to group 2 units together.
Some latest news: 2i2 is in production, 4i4 is still in the PCB stage, 8i8 has not started yet. The most exciting thing is that we will soon have the world's lowest noise mic preamp.
Amazing, thanks for the heads-up, buddy. Looking forward to the acclaimed 'world's lowest noise muc preamp'.
Let's see how they develop low latency drivers and maintain their products after a few years, since Topping is known for releasing like a DAC every month or so.
Pro audio is no joke,durability and support comes first,better test each one of them with the worst case scenarios can ever be.
Lowest noise mic preramps means suitable for measurements too,right?
If they include an autoranger too and high voltage input ability it will be really nice.
2 channels in July, 4 channels in October, and 8 channels in December.
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