Okay investigating the Tact RCS 2.0 digital oddness. On the Tact 93.9 on the volume is actually full digital level. 99.9 is with 6 db of digital gain. Amir mentioned issues, and I have experienced them too. If you keep volume at 93.9 on the Tact you have no issues. It simply works like any good DAC.
I ran these tests again with all the connections I have posted earlier. Here I am showing only one set of results, but they were the same other than tiny differences mentioned in my other posts up thread. I adjusted the Focusrite Forte ADC -6 db to match resulting levels recorded.
First up is -4 db white noise at 44khz playback and 192 khz recording. Red is volume 99.9 while green is 93.9. Ultrasonic filtering or something is very different.
View attachment 5588
Here is 99.9 white noise, but now reduced to -24 db in the file. Note other than level difference it looks okay. Green is volume 93.9 while blue is volume 99.9
View attachment 5589
Here is a full scale 19,100 hz tone. Blue is volume 93.9 while red is volume 99.9. As you can see a whole grassy forest of spiky tones that should not be there at 99.9 volume setting.
View attachment 5591
Here is 99.9 playing 19,100 hz at a minus -20 db level. Compared to full scale 93.9 volume. Green is 93.9 and blue is 99.9 on the volume.
View attachment 5592
So pretty simple. Just don't use an RCS 2.0 Tact above 93.9 on the volume and it works like any good DAC. Go above that and odd things do occur.