Major Contributor
Yes, that is what I meant. My DSLR (Canon 5D mkIII) can't do that!I think you mean Night Sight, but yeah, it's uncanny how it does the exposure and tone mapping. I've been of the opinion that Nikon should license this from Google for their Z series. It probably won't happen though since it's coded to run on ARM chips on the Android OS.
Really it has come down to that as far as I'm concerned, the only substantive advantage a DSLR has over a cell phone camera is the far better and more versatile lenses available the former. But then the cell phone lens covers the vast majority of my shooting situations when out and about, and now cell phones usually have two or more lens options built in. When I need to take 'serious' pictures, that's where the DSLR shines. There's just serious sweat involved in lugging the thing around.
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