What are the audiophile myths
most heartfelt and senseless things you have ever heard (and perhaps even believed in?)
I'll start by saying mine in order of memory
- 200watt amps sound "strongyer" than 80watt amps when running at 3watts
- dacs all working perfectly but at the same time sounding different
- digital cables that make music "more musical"
- separate systems (pre and power) always sound better than integrated systems
-class D is not as musical as class AB, class A is the absolute best in terms of audio quality
- I listen to music strictly at 192khz, I hear a difference day and night with 48khz.
I'm sure I can think of others, in the meantime, which are your favorites and most heartfelt?
most heartfelt and senseless things you have ever heard (and perhaps even believed in?)
I'll start by saying mine in order of memory
- 200watt amps sound "strongyer" than 80watt amps when running at 3watts
- dacs all working perfectly but at the same time sounding different
- digital cables that make music "more musical"
- separate systems (pre and power) always sound better than integrated systems
-class D is not as musical as class AB, class A is the absolute best in terms of audio quality
- I listen to music strictly at 192khz, I hear a difference day and night with 48khz.
I'm sure I can think of others, in the meantime, which are your favorites and most heartfelt?