Thanks for your interest.
The first thing you could do would be to simply use Windows 10.
Open "Sounds", then double-click the device:
View attachment 330563
View attachment 330564
Click "Advanced":
View attachment 330565
Click "Test".
The chime on each channel "should" start at the very beginning.
By the way, these are the installed drivers:
View attachment 330566
"usbaudio2.sys" is the USB Audio Class 2.0 driver from Microsoft/Thesycon. The other three drivers come from Microsoft.
You can also test with free software, such as Audacity (the latest version is 3.4.2).
Got to "Edit -> Preferences -> Audio Settings":
View attachment 330572
Then load an audio file where the sound starts at the very beginning (no fade-in or something).
You can immediately compare with "MME" or "Windows DirectSound", where there is
no such problem (if "Buffer length" is large enough):
View attachment 330573
No problem!
View attachment 330574
No problem!
If you can program in C++ on Windows, there is a WASAPI sample from Microsoft:
Shows how to do various audio related tasks using the Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI).
I have developed my own audio playback software (using the code sequence described in my original post), but I cannot make it available to you.
The code sequence is pretty straight forward and as direct as it can be. Contrary to what some people might think, implementing WASAPI exclusive mode is not really complicated. Before Windows 7 was released, I used Steinberg's ASIO (which can be a mess) but then switched to WASAPI (which was a relief).
Just one more thing. I really tried hard to report this issue to Tanchjim on their feedback website:
But I am unable to solve this puzzle: 您是机器人吗?
I tried "no", "No", "no.", "No.", "不". Nothing works. The message is rejected.
Next I will report this to Microsoft. And maybe to ComTrue, too.
Ultimatey, there must be a reason for this abnormal behavior.
I would like to keep this device, but will definitely send it back to the seller if there is no solution.