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Sound fidelity (main out) on RME ADI-2 DAC FS vs UCX II

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As I always do, and I never saw a DAC, or a preamp, or an amp, that sounded the "same" with different circuitry and different chips.
In fact, I am yet to hear a microphone of same brand, and same model that sounds the same.

We used to stereo match mics at factory level when I was in a recording studio work.

Amazing how we are having conversation about "educating" yourself, when you guys stress the fact that it sounds the "same"
Maybe, go explore that theory on blind test.

Talk is cheap. Show us a double blind result where you can reliably make the difference between 2 recent dacs.
We never saw a successful one.

People are not able to differentiate between good amps, so for DACs no way. The differences are order of magnitude lower than what the human ears can differentiate.

If you want to believe, that's fine but you may not be on the correct forum :)
Then I had RME reps give me that regular nonsense of saying everything "sounds the same and doesn't color the sound"
If you don't understand the meaning of this, if you think it's "nonsense", just don't buy any RME product at all. You clearly don't need it. :rolleyes:

So why would 2 different DACs sound the same?
Because that is their very purpose to do so !
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Chip is part of the implementation. Each stage of the device plays the role.
To say chip "doesn't matter" is very strange in a conversation of "implementation"
The DA chip is literally converting digital signal to analog, you think it's not important? I am not mocking you, but literally leading you to realization.
This is as important as it gets on DAC device. Bad chip will always output signal to your speakers worse than a good chip.

In 2020 due to chip shortages RME changed chips from AKM to ESS on ADI-2 DAC FS, and people complained about it. Difference was very auditory. ESS is crispier in the highs, AKM is more balanced. Arguably, AKM is a better chip.
Uhuh. I’m out.
In 2020 due to chip shortages RME changed chips from AKM to ESS on ADI-2 DAC FS, and people complained about it. Difference was very auditory. ESS is crispier in the highs, AKM is more balanced. Arguably, AKM is a better chip
First, it was in 2021 and second, no. No one actually heard a proved audible difference. Nothing in my measurements shows that one could hear some:

Needless to mention, I personally didn't.
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