This is a review and measurements of the SMSL SD-9 network and local audio player. It was kindly drop shipped to me by a member and costs US $400.
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I am confused about the form factor here. A streaming/media player device by definition goes into an audio system, used at a distance. As such, the little display will not be visible at all. On desktop use it is frustrating to navigate the unit with just a clickable rotary control. The remote control helps a bit here but still very non-intuitive and rather slow to respond. No DAC is included as all outputs are digital:
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I connected the Ethernet input and found the menu to update the firmware. I was surprised that it was looking for a file still rather than over the air update.
No Roon support is included, forcing me to deal with its interface to try to play things. I understand there is a remote app from Hiby but I did not try to use it.
I enabled Airplay and while Roon player could see SD-9 over it, it could not play anything to it (I had selected Airplay on SD-9). I then tried to setup DLNA on my windows machine. No matter I did, I could not get the SD-9 to show any files available for playback. Maybe it was pilot error on my part but after half hour of messing around, I gave up and tested the unit using a USB thumb drive.
SMSL SD-9 Player Measurement
With a digital only device, there is not a ton we can test for. But let's see if it is bit perfect playing 24-bit 1 kHz (dithered) tone:
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I was surprised to see harmonics of 1 kHz in the FFT spectrum causing a bit of reduction in SINAD. It is certainly not a cause for concern but a bit strange.
The only other test was J-test but measuring the spectrum of jitter:
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The amplitude here is higher than I like to see but again, not an audible concern.
I ran a few other tests but none generated anything useful. It is a digital device and plays what you feed it.
The SD-9 exemplifies what I dislike about "pull" streaming devices. Every one has its own quirks and operational issues you have to learn and deal with. In sharp contrast, push support for Roon gives instant and familiar functionality. I understand if you don't use Roon then you don't have this option but I have to rant anyway.
Operationally I find the unit challenging to use but ultimately it will pass the bits you send it with 24 bit resolution (assuming you don't use Airplay).
I personally have no use for SMSL SD-9 but you may think differently. I rather save money and get a higher end streamer with larger and easier to use touchpanel. And company supported remote app.
As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.
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