At this point, am just thankful for a responsive effort to get power back amid lake effect snowstorm here. Just before 6 last night, we heard a large crack and lost power. Seeing the house power line swaying, knew that something had hit the lines that run across the back of our property. We huddled in our home office for a few hours until the UPSes ran dry and then went to bed. I reported the outage and our local power company was on it and reported a estimated repair around 8:30. As they normally underpromise, was relieved. 8:30 came and went with no sign of a work crew. Around 10 pm, 2 large service trucks show up in front of our house. They look at the pole (it has a transformer on it) and get back in the truck and I get a notice repromising to 12:30.
While my wife manages to sleep, I cannot. The house temp has now dropped to 62F and I am wearing my winter coat and cap. It is about 20F outside and the snow subsides. The work started around 10:30 and close to midnight the trucks left. Still had no power and was really starting to worry. Went to tell my wife and the power returned.
Am very grateful we did not have to take action to prevent pipes from freezing and find somewhere else to take shelter! Nothing like a major house threat to remind you what is truly important.