Loxjie A40 https://www.loxjie-audio.com/productshow.asp?id=161
I can't find any review about this amp, not even audiophonics in france has one
It's an all in one amp with hdmi (arc),bt,dac (total 7 inputs) and rated up to 2x165 watt with a built in power supply, for only 210 euros on hifi-express https://hifi-express.com/products/loxjie-a40?variant=44305759109364
I can't find any review about this amp, not even audiophonics in france has one
It's an all in one amp with hdmi (arc),bt,dac (total 7 inputs) and rated up to 2x165 watt with a built in power supply, for only 210 euros on hifi-express https://hifi-express.com/products/loxjie-a40?variant=44305759109364