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linkwitz lxmini

That’s exactly my point. He sends in all these toys, to get responses like this…

Not questioning “why did you send it in, but “why did you think it was a good idea to send it in“? I dunno, to me it just reads like “you big dumy” in a few more words.

Amir measures modified and DIY gear all the time. Why not have as many measurements as we can get, with standard configs (I assume fully active) versus with a passive crossover? If he, for instance, didn’t send it in and disclosed after the measurements coming out that he had the passive crossover, people would be boo-hoo’ing about why he didn’t send that in, too.

If you want to see something measured, buy it and send it in! But good luck with the peanut gallery if it isn’t an off-the-shelf item, I guess…

Tough crowd.

You have no clue what you are talking about. It is trivial to switch configurations in the DSP. It requires no new equipment to change the configuration, all necessary equipment is already in Amir's hands.

I think most would agree that if we only have the option to measure one configuration it should be the original Linkwitz configuration. I would love to see the original configuration as well as Dave's 4th order configuration and would also love to see the different low frequency equalization options (shelf vs PEQ) but that is a lot of work compared to a standard speaker review.

You have no clue what you are talking about. It is trivial to switch configurations in the DSP. It requires no new equipment to change the configuration, all necessary equipment is already in Amir's hands.
I understand all of that perfectly well, thanks. :rolleyes: For some reason, I thought the “Dave’s crossover” was passive, not alternate settings for an active crossover. The point remains, and is now even more apparent…especially if Amir doesn’t want to mess with wiring-up a crossover…

Why not test these configurations if we have them? Why rudely ask why they were sent in?

…and if someone wants a new pair from Linkwitz or Madison’s, better bust out that wallet.
Jeez, some of you people in this thread really know how to kick a gift horse in the mouth! :rolleyes: Makes me not want to send anything in…
If your response was triggered by my post, I think you got it all wrong. I am very grateful for the owner (and all the people that have done so) sending the speaker to Amir, and looking forward for the review. The looks needs some using to for me, then again it was the same with the Genelecs, now I'd love to have a pair of them. I don't have a clue about the original or Dave's thing, or how exactly this speakers operate, hopefully Amir will explain these things in the review. From what I read in this thread, testing them may not be trivial for Amir, that's what I meant, it may take some time and experimentation to get things right.

That's the problem. There is no SL's product, just SL's design.

You should look at this as a cake recipe. If the recipe is followed, the result will be there. The best thing is that it can all be verified - every point about LXmini design, since it is simple and SL's website has all the data needed to check the implementation.
Maybe not in the US anymore but there is a world out there.

Back in the 90s Siegfried was a partner of Audio Artistry who manufactured speaker based on his designs.

Why not test these configurations if we have them? Why rudely ask why they were sent in?
Please don’t forget that not everybody here is a native speaker, and the perceived rudeness may have been totally unintentional.

When you‘d try to not read between the lines, a relatively neutral question remains that can also be answered in a neutral way. For instance:

I thought it would be a good idea because things have moved on since SL and this version is generally accepted as being etc etc…

At least this is how I took it myself.
Ehh, you’re probably right, at least on a post or two. It also might just be a bit of a hangover after the GR Research debacle and the weird mudslinging about Rick’s build… ;)

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing some measurements.

Once again, thanks for sending in!

As this is your speaker you should have it measured how you have it configured/set-up. Iam presuming you want to know how what you listen to will measure.
Everyone hear is quick to demand how things should be done but at the end of the day its upto you and Amir.
Unfortunately you will get criticism of your choices before and after measurements whatever you decide.
I know that at one point I was looking at these and only stopped looking into them because of the lack of reasonable multi-channel active crossover options.

Also because I'm not sure how a dipole would sounds in my unusually wide room with asymmetrical openings on either side.

But if I was coming into the hobby very fresh, I don't know, you can now get an 8 channel DAC for ~$600 and 8 channels of almost perfect class-D amplification for another ~$1200...it's a very tempting proposition with a little bit of DIY.
Everyone hear is quick to demand how things should be done but at the end of the day its upto you and Amir.
Not everyone.

I for one am simply intrigued by the question what it means when we say that Amir will review an LXmini. If nothing else just as a theoretical exercise.

Because I tend to ignore everything Danny Ritchie/GR Research I was unaware of some particular sensitivities there. Thank you for pointing this out @punosion and fully understood.

So anyway no criticism re. OP’s implementation and no demands from my side. And totally agree with your end-of-the-day remark @AudioJester.

Looking forward to the review!
Erin just reviewed the LX Mini that he built himself. It's on Youtube for Patreon members but should be available for public viewing soon. He got the kit from Madisound and built it himself.
I know that at one point I was looking at these and only stopped looking into them because of the lack of reasonable multi-channel active crossover options.

Also because I'm not sure how a dipole would sounds in my unusually wide room with asymmetrical openings on either side.

But if I was coming into the hobby very fresh, I don't know, you can now get an 8 channel DAC for ~$600 and 8 channels of almost perfect class-D amplification for another ~$1200...it's a very tempting proposition with a little bit of DIY.

Someone on the OPLUG forum made a 3D printed cabinet that hosts a hypex fusion amplifier for crossover business.
OK, Erin's measurements were pretty much what I expected. So much hype around LXmini tastes like snake oil... Pretty nice small speaker with good low extension, but looses to most 100€/pair desktop computer speakers. Sort of dipole back radiation is very poor and diffuse too, I really wonder what the small tube is really doing... However it most likely will sound different from "normal" speakers!
LXmini 360.jpg LXmini disto 86dB.jpg
OK, Erin's measurements were pretty much what I expected. So much hype around LXmini tastes like snake oil... Pretty nice small speaker with good low extension, but looses to most 100€/pair desktop computer speakers. Sort of dipole back radiation is very poor and diffuse too, I really wonder what the small tube is really doing... However it most likely will sound different from "normal" speakers!
View attachment 221947 View attachment 221948

First I should say I own these and am biased :). As you mention I think they sound quite different from normal box speakers and although they are not the greatest value proposition I enjoy them very much.

I agree that the results seem very much in line with published data. I thought @ctrl's analysis here -> https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...z-the-answer-for-home-audio.19774/post-890661 was very good and clearly shows the smooth but narrowing directivity (not sure how you get anything else when using a 4" FR), dipole behavior from 1-5K and discusses the FU10RB distortion issues at 1.5 kHz.

I agree that the cardoid aspects as well as the claim to tonal similarity to the LX521.4 always seemed a bit snake oily. It certainly would be interesting to try a slightly larger top tube in order to seal the full range, re-EQ and see how much that brief dipole behavior actually contributes to the sound.

That piece of pipe behind the midrange is the diffuser - it dissipates sound rather than absorb it like in other boxed loudspeakers. It was made to achieve a certain spatial effect. I listened it and liked it. Not enough to go and build it though, but it sounded pleasantly different than other conventional loudspeakers. Could the same effect be achieved in conventional loudspeakers by adding back firing tweeter remains to be more thoroughly tested.

Other than compression test, i'm pleased with what i see measurement wise.
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OK, Erin's measurements were pretty much what I expected. So much hype around LXmini tastes like snake oil... Pretty nice small speaker with good low extension, but looses to most 100€/pair desktop computer speakers. Sort of dipole back radiation is very poor and diffuse too, I really wonder what the small tube is really doing... However it most likely will sound different from "normal" speakers!
View attachment 221947 View attachment 221948

The measurements are pretty much what I expected, too, and I can hear some of the issues. However, to characterise the speakers as snake oil is unwarranted. As for losing out to 100 euro/pair desktop speakers - IMO you are wrong.

Yes, they do sound different to most other speakers, much of that being the soundstage and imaging as Erin mentioned several times. No, they don't play loud (Dave Reite's modded x-over/eq helps here) and the compression is an issue. Even in LX Studio form with the bass units of the LX521, there is still a somewhat lightweight presentation.

I'll continue to enjoy them for what they do very well....something that I've yet to hear from an equivalently priced box speaker.
Linkwitz provided the recipe, the rest is up to the DIY community. The effect that this concept gives cannot be achieved with a conventional speaker concept. So it can hardly be compared with 100 dollar speakers. Thinking outside the box isn't so bad sometimes. I'm very happy with the concept, I think it's one of the best I've heard. Below you can see my variation on the theme. Although I think Erin has separated the driver centers too far in relation to the project. I'm not saying that it's important, just observation.

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