I wasn't really sure where to post this thread, have been meaning to do it for a while now, figured the start of a new year is as good a time as any.
A place for anyone to post articles, ads, video, etc. showing the evolution of the science of sound as it related to audio, the history of "high-fidelity" audio, whether it be advertisements, measurements, academic articles, audio "press" clippings, or whatever.
Starting with ancient history of sound, Frederick Hunt’s Origins in Acoustics, which traces the development of acoustical science from its earliest premises up until about the time of Isaac Newton. For those interested in the ancient history of the study of sound, there is no better source or treatment of that subject.
Hunt, Frederick Vinton, Origins in Acoustics, Yale University, 1978 and the Acoustical Society of America, 1992 (ISBN 0-300-02220-4)
Fast forward to John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh)
"Directly or indirectly, all questions connected with this subject must
come for decision to the ear, as the organ of hearing; and from it there
can be no appeal. But we are not therefore to infer that all acoustical
investigations are conducted with the unassisted ear. When once we
have discovered the physical phenomena which constitute the foundation
of sound, our explorations are in great measure transferred to
another field lying within the dominion of the principles of Mechanics.
Important laws are in this way arrived at, to which the sensations of
the ear cannot but conform."
Lord Rayleigh in The Theory of Sound,
First Edition 1877.
(Also in first American edition, 1945,
Dover Publications Inc.)
An excellent article covering the book by Hunt and the accomplishments of Lord Rayleigh points out that Hunt noted the following about Lord Rayleigh:
"Hunt barely concealed his amusement as he described how the loudspeaker designers of the 1920s strove to reinvent the wheel. He wrote, 'The surprise with which one worker in this field (loudspeaker development) after another tardily discovered Rayleigh’s analysis of the baffle problem may possibly have been related to the fact that by 1920 the second (1894) edition of Rayleigh’s Theory of Sound had been out of print for a long time. The reprinted edition of 1926 appeared in time to become better known to the following generation, but not in time to help the various experimentalists who discovered baffles before they discovered Rayleigh.'”
One of Lord Rayleigh's greatest accomplishments was the "design of the first instrument that could accurately measure the true intensity of sound."
Industry Pioneers: Lord Rayleigh and the Theory of Sound
Next time, something on the lighter side, a video about the history of stereo sound ("true high fidelity") in the home.
A place for anyone to post articles, ads, video, etc. showing the evolution of the science of sound as it related to audio, the history of "high-fidelity" audio, whether it be advertisements, measurements, academic articles, audio "press" clippings, or whatever.
Starting with ancient history of sound, Frederick Hunt’s Origins in Acoustics, which traces the development of acoustical science from its earliest premises up until about the time of Isaac Newton. For those interested in the ancient history of the study of sound, there is no better source or treatment of that subject.
Hunt, Frederick Vinton, Origins in Acoustics, Yale University, 1978 and the Acoustical Society of America, 1992 (ISBN 0-300-02220-4)
Fast forward to John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh)
"Directly or indirectly, all questions connected with this subject must
come for decision to the ear, as the organ of hearing; and from it there
can be no appeal. But we are not therefore to infer that all acoustical
investigations are conducted with the unassisted ear. When once we
have discovered the physical phenomena which constitute the foundation
of sound, our explorations are in great measure transferred to
another field lying within the dominion of the principles of Mechanics.
Important laws are in this way arrived at, to which the sensations of
the ear cannot but conform."
Lord Rayleigh in The Theory of Sound,
First Edition 1877.
(Also in first American edition, 1945,
Dover Publications Inc.)
An excellent article covering the book by Hunt and the accomplishments of Lord Rayleigh points out that Hunt noted the following about Lord Rayleigh:
"Hunt barely concealed his amusement as he described how the loudspeaker designers of the 1920s strove to reinvent the wheel. He wrote, 'The surprise with which one worker in this field (loudspeaker development) after another tardily discovered Rayleigh’s analysis of the baffle problem may possibly have been related to the fact that by 1920 the second (1894) edition of Rayleigh’s Theory of Sound had been out of print for a long time. The reprinted edition of 1926 appeared in time to become better known to the following generation, but not in time to help the various experimentalists who discovered baffles before they discovered Rayleigh.'”
One of Lord Rayleigh's greatest accomplishments was the "design of the first instrument that could accurately measure the true intensity of sound."
Industry Pioneers: Lord Rayleigh and the Theory of Sound
Next time, something on the lighter side, a video about the history of stereo sound ("true high fidelity") in the home.