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Fuses do affect sound, the question is how much

It seems Don and I think alike... ;)

Even more so -- I was editing my post and now we are even closer.

Should you be worried, me be worried, or both of us? :)

Ah heck, let's just enjoy insanity and worry everyone else instead. :D
What I learnt from spending a bunch of cash on Audiophile fuses .., don’t buy Audiophile fuse mainly because they are like all things Audiophile , unreliable.

Iv never expirenced any benefits but thought some made things worse , might of imagined that though.

You actually purchased some? What else have you tried with similar enlightenment? o_O
Decades ago I included a fuse in the output as I was nervous about my failsafe circuits failing (I had a PL 700 that liked to short the rails to the speakers).
Seems many of us PL 700 owners went down that road. I fused mine after the 700 took out a couple drivers on my La Scala's. :eek:
When I install a premium audiophile fuse in my amplifier how many hours of burn-in is required before the soundstage open up?

And, how do I know which direction works best after say 300 hours of burn-in for both directions...by listening attentively or it will tell me easily when the voices start to flow behind and above?

Those are serious questions for only serious audio scientists. If you want to make jokes go to the joke channel.
When I install a premium audiophile fuse in my amplifier how many hours of burn-in is required before the soundstage open up?

And, how do I know which direction works best after say 300 hours of burn-in for both directions...by listening attentively or it will tell me easily when the voices start to flow behind and above?

Those are serious questions for only serious audio scientists. If you want to make jokes go to the joke channel.
I don’t think anyone here’s going to take it seriously bob.. some might even think you are trolling the community with this :D
How can you learn something positive if you're not serious about it, if you don't put some serious science behind it, and science behind audio leads to higher musical ecstasy.
What we can measure with time and listening sessions are all part of the equation.
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How can you learn something positive if you're not serious about it, if you don't put some serious science behind it, and science behind audio leads to higher musical ecstasy.
What we can measure with time and listening sessions are all part of the equation.
@amirm are you still up for testing some fuses? I’m not sure we need to do 300 hour two way burn in but ..
If you Google around, audiophile fuses would need between 80 to 200 hours burn-in period time in one direction for optimal performance.

When you bought expensive fuses with a bunch of cash did you follow those consigns? Most likely not or you wouldn't ask Amir.
If you Google around, audiophile fuses would need between 80 to 200 hours burn-in period time in one direction for optimal performance.

When you bought expensive fuses with a bunch of cash did you follow those consigns?

Compared to micro-second burn-out. :rolleyes: Fuse technology is no mystery - except for the technically unaware.

Now to something serious. How does the ink marking on tubes and semi-conductors denigrate audio performance?
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If you Google around, audiophile fuses would need between 80 to 200 hours burn-in period time in one direction for optimal performance.

When you bought expensive fuses with a bunch of cash did you follow those consigns?
I tried all sorts , the conclusion was there’s something going on but it was with my mind and the way it related to what I was hearing rather than the sound being different .

The only thing getting burned in is the human , getting used to the sound.
I tried all sorts , the conclusion was there’s something going on but it was with my mind and the way it related to what I was hearing rather than the sound being different .

The only thing getting burned in is the human , getting used to the sound.

Warm, flat, beer can cause that. Drink cold, carbonated, varieties. Enough of it and subjectivism disappears. Mmmmm so does objectivism. ;)
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This could go on forever unless brought to account. In terms of component effect on performance the fuse has been demonstrated to be insignificant when well proven application knowledge is applied.

Subjectivists put out so much refutable comment that on the rare occasion that they may have something worth consideration it could be overlooked. They should be more knowledgeable about the subject in which they insert their claims and give credence to them. Unfortunately, it usually is traced back to unsubstantiated hearsay.

Know what you are talking about!:rolleyes:

If you wish to seem to have any credibility, if you wish to have any sliver of self respect, don't link to Synergistic audio products. Just don't.
Wombat, I'm not here to criticize or argue, I'm here to learn and discover and discuss constructively about audio science...the merits of audiophile fuses, or the perils. What I believe has nothing to do with science. I am not someone who knows, I'm someone who wants to know. If you are the one who knows what he's talking about teach me, and teach me well.

Dennis, did you ever, ever used Synergistic audiophile fuses in your own audio components?
Wombat, I'm not here to criticize or argue, I'm here to learn and discover and discuss constructively about audio science...the merits of audiophile fuses, or the perils. What I believe has nothing to do with science. I am not someone who knows, I'm someone who wants to know. If you are the one who knows what he's talking about teach me, and teach me well.

Dennis, did you ever, ever used Synergistic audiophile fuses in your own audio components?

No I have not. Which is in no way an effective criticism. Synergistic is a total scam company thru and thru. They are an example of snake oil of the highest measure.
Wombat, I'm not here to criticize or argue, I'm here to learn and discover and discuss constructively about audio science...the merits of audiophile fuses, or the perils. What I believe has nothing to do with science. I am not someone who knows, I'm someone who wants to know. If you are the one who knows what he's talking about teach me, and teach me well.

Dennis, did you ever, ever use Synergistic audiophile fuses?

A general comment. Not aimed at you.

I, and others, have responded with practical responses. It does get tedious responding to repeated unsound opinions that could be answered with a simple Google search.
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