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DSP for adding intentional Harmonic Distortion

Dec 20, 2022
I know most people are looking for Hi-Fi & as little coloration as possible, But I am curious about its effects.
I don't think it will be that bad since usually when we are having lots of distortion something in the audio chain isn't working properly. But here everything is fine & we are adding it ourselves as part of the music

Is there a filter to try this out? Something that allows us to choose which frequencies, which order of Harmonics & how much we add. preferably on linux :)

@pkane (the author) is a member here,there's a thread about it too:

There is also PKHarmonic from @pkane:


ASR thread and PKHarmonic webpage. It is donationware.

(EDIT) sorry, I missed / forgot the "preferably on Linux" bit!!
Well...there are ways to use VSTs on linux like LinVST and Carla. Not sure if anyone has done it with PKHarmonic but it might be worth a try.
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