Anyone like cold brew? (No I'm not talking about iced coffee or cold coffee).
Makes heat produced coffee taste like bitter/leftover acidic garbage in my mouth by comparison (Unless you drench it with sugar/cream/milk/etc..)
I got hooked to coffee in college, but not for the caffeine rush: it was the social aspect of meeting friends over coffee that won me over. Naturally it wasn't long before we started trying different cafes, and discussed the merits of different beans, brews, etc.
Lattes or Flat Whites are my drink of choice when I am at a coffee bar, but at home we use these two Australian contraptions:
Delter Coffee Press (think advance Aeropress with more control and consistency) in the morning using a metal filter and finely grounded Light Roasted beans, like our current favorite:
Cafe Kreyole Ramirez Estate Microlot Red Honey Not expensive, socially responsible, and great flavor. The photo is from the same roaster but different beans
I normally have just one, but my lovely partner enjoys a second morning cup about every other day. I tend to have an afternoon cup brewed using the
Delter Cold Drip Coffee Maker with the same beans but grounded coarse with our Capresso 560.04 Burr Grinder. The afternoon coffee taste sweeter and less acidic, but not by a huge margin. I am still fine-tuning the cold-brew recipe, but I enjoy having an alternative brewing method.
Exploring new coffee bars is one of my favorite things to do, and it is frankly cheap compared with most other things we like doing!