Every now and then I receive notifications from AliExpress and, among the many times, I happened to come across this article (B&W clone speakers), but in your opinion, how interesting and how truthful are the feedback reported at the bottom of the link
Then I wonder how a pair of speakers, which B&W sells for a thousand euros, can be sold for just over €1,370.00 including shipping
Browsing around AliExpress I came across........ 1f615
Those who bought them, I read, were very pleasantly surprised.... but some of you have them or have something similar, I don't want to buy them but I'm curious to know if there is anyone who has them and if, perhaps as I advise a Laughing friend, they are worth it.
Then I wonder how a pair of speakers, which B&W sells for a thousand euros, can be sold for just over €1,370.00 including shipping
Browsing around AliExpress I came across........ 1f615
Those who bought them, I read, were very pleasantly surprised.... but some of you have them or have something similar, I don't want to buy them but I'm curious to know if there is anyone who has them and if, perhaps as I advise a Laughing friend, they are worth it.