Tom C
Major Contributor
Very inspiring. Can I ask why you went with Bottlehead rather than ANK Kits?
I have a modified crack/speedball as well as an Atom and I feel the crack is marginally better in some regards. Purely subjective of course,
Very inspiring. Can I ask why you went with Bottlehead rather than ANK Kits?
AWESOMEMight be sending this to Amir for measurement in a few weeks time.
Might be sending this to Amir for measurement in a few weeks time.
Can't wait! Everyone is going to see how poorly it measures and everyone will scramble to justify their subjective opinions.
Sigh, I was really looking forward to see measurements of a proper made bottlehead amp with lots of care to the components though, THD be damned. Please, please consider. The bottlehead kits are awesome soldering projects, and your specific amp with those Mundorf caps and aluminium top plate looks ridiculously sexy.
I don't need the measurements to know the amp sounds great, just curious as the Crack+SB and Crackatwoa have not been thoroughly measured. But undoubtedly it will come under attack from the contingent above.
There will always be people like that though. But it takes balls to unconditionally love what you loveI am interested too. I don't need the measurements to know the amp sounds great, just curious as the Crack+SB and Crackatwoa have not been thoroughly measured. But undoubtedly it will come under attack from the contingent above. The lack of civility makes me feel it is not worth it.
Cool! What tubes are you using?
I completely understand your point of view. I used to have a Bottlehead Crack and really liked it. I am fascinated with the whole objectivist vs subjectivist debate and my personal opinion is that there is a use for both neutral and slightly euphonic amps. My personal preference is for slightly euphonic amps (Lyr 3, Valhalla 2, Bottlehead Crack) for pure enjoyment and more neutral amps (JDS Atom, Magni 3) for music recording and gaming.Never mind. I won't subject a respectable small business like Bottlehead to the objectivist warriors of Massdrop and r/headphones, this group is absolutely insufferable and toxic to the hobby.
I don't understand why you all can't just enjoy what you have and let others do the same, rather than turning something that is supposed to be enjoyable into a holy war.
I completely understand your point of view. I used to have a Bottlehead Crack and really liked it. I am fascinated with the whole objectivist vs subjectivist debate and my personal opinion is that there is a use for both neutral and slightly euphonic amps.
I think you are making some pretty agressive and hostile assumptions there. How about an open mind? Yes, if the measurements turn out poor, it probably will be ridiculed, but are you assuming it will?
I don't think those are the two camps. "Neutral" and "slightly euphonic" are preferences. We like what we like. The two camps are the "I know what I hear" and "Unless you do proper double blind, your expectations will affect what you think you hear". The former camp does tend to also go for "I don't care how it measures, if I like it it is Best in the World."
I am in neither. I am willing to let my brain tell me what I want to hear, knowing full well that it is biased. I am seeking enjoyment, not absolute truth. I won't use my subjective impressions to make absolute statements regarding tube vs solid state when asked. I simply say, "I prefer tubes."
There are people who will argue you into the ground unprovoked if you say you enjoy tube amplifiers, see thomasjast's posts above, a great example of this behavior. I am thinking of r/headphones in particular. The lack of civil discourse led to me deleting my Reddit account, as I really only used it to talk headphones and this vocal minority became too fatiguing.