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Audyssey's Next Generation of Room Correction (MultEQ-X)

Are you a current Denon/Marantz AVR Owner and if so what do you think of Audyssey's MultEQ-X?

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable. I've already purchased it.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable. I’m willing to spend the money once I learn more.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is too high. Anything lower is better.

  • I'm not a current Denon/Marantz AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable.

  • I'm not a current Denon/Marantz AVR owner. $200 price is too high. Anything lower lower is better.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable, but I don't like the restrictive terms. Wont buy.

  • I'm not an owner. $200 price is acceptable, but I don't like the restrictive terms. Wont buy.

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Yes - one of the weaknesses with most EQ systems, is that they do not differentiate between direct and reflected sound - and the EQ should only be applying to the direct sound....
And in that spirit, if one-inch-tweeter systems with no waveguide are prone to a directivity mismatch in the 2 kHz bracket, causing an ‘audible wobble’ in the reflected sound, then one can understand putting a little dip in the target through that problem area, to de-emphasise it. Bearing in mind that, like you say, the dip is set for summed sound including those reflections with their natural dip.
I've found that this is all I need to get what I want.
  1. Delete both Theater HF rolloff and Midrange compensation.
  2. Add a Tilt and apply a -0.8dB -0.9dB/octave slope (equivalent to a harman 3dB/decade slope), though you can play with this to find your preference.
  3. Check "Disable Auto-Leveling" on the subwoofers.
Another cool thing is that If you want to leave the Theater HF Rolloff, just make sure it's set for the reference Type and Set the Tilt type to flat. Then you can switch between both targets on the AVR quickly.

EDIT: Oh yeah, also make sure you take 8 measurement points no further than 6" from the center of your main listening position. I usually cross everything over at 80Hz, and up the subwoofer by a few dB on my HEOS input. You can trim input specific speaker trims by pressing the options? button to the top right of the arrows and going to channel levels or similar.
You don't take the 8 measurements in the positions recommended visually on XT32?
You don't take the 8 measurements in the positions recommended visually on XT32?

First position is the MLP center. Other points (and MultEQ-X allows for up to 32 points) can be anywhere you want included in the calibration. The tighter the points are for calibration, the more focused it will be for that listening position. You can have decent response for multiple seats or great response for one seat, it's a tradeoff to make. The visual representation is very generic and not a rule, I'd pick a microphone setup pattern that makes sense for your goals for your system.
First position is the MLP center. Other points (and MultEQ-X allows for up to 32 points) can be anywhere you want included in the calibration. The tighter the points are for calibration, the more focused it will be for that listening position. You can have decent response for multiple seats or great response for one seat, it's a tradeoff to make. The visual representation is very generic and not a rule, I'd pick a microphone setup pattern that makes sense for your goals for your system.
I would add to this: I do my first three positions at center of MLP, where my left ear is and where my right ear is... and then on the last step of MultEQ-X, I select all three of those positions for the Trim source so that it averages based on those three measurements. Gives me more consistent channel trim results almost every time when checking post-cal with a meter.
I just bought an ACM1-X microphone. Should it have VOID stickers on it?


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Amazon, but the seller is listed as Audessey Labratories.
Humm, I guess I'd try and contact someone at Audessey Labs.
That sticker just doesn't seem right on what should be a new, perfect product.
(I think, have you closely re-read the original ad material?)
I would add to this: I do my first three positions at center of MLP, where my left ear is and where my right ear is... and then on the last step of MultEQ-X, I select all three of those positions for the Trim source so that it averages based on those three measurements. Gives me more consistent channel trim results almost every time when checking post-cal with a meter.
Wow. What a good idea
Any reason not to disable the cutoff mode in Audessey MultiEQ - X if using high quality subwoofers? What's the best setting there for 2 subs that go down to 14 on paper?
Any reason not to disable the cutoff mode in Audessey MultiEQ - X if using high quality subwoofers? What's the best setting there for 2 subs that go down to 14 on paper?
Look at the measured rolloff and then change the EQ limit on the low end to make it generally line up to it. Shouldn't be an issue. Just try different values on the filter screen until the predicted rolloff lines up at about the same slope as the natural rolloff.

Also, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the 1.6 update just released and now allows import of target curves from text files. So instead of importing filter data, you can just import the curve you want it to correct to. I played around with importing Harman, Harman trained listener, steady state response, Olive-Welti, and a few other curves last night, and it works better than importing filters.
Look at the measured rolloff and then change the EQ limit on the low end to make it generally line up to it. Shouldn't be an issue. Just try different values on the filter screen until the predicted rolloff lines up at about the same slope as the natural rolloff.

Also, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the 1.6 update just released and now allows import of target curves from text files. So instead of importing filter data, you can just import the curve you want it to correct to. I played around with importing Harman, Harman trained listener, steady state response, Olive-Welti, and a few other curves last night, and it works better than importing filters.

So use Auto and set the low roll off? Is that what you're saying? I'm not at home but here's the offline screenshot showing basically flat to 20...Although the company swears that this sub goes down to 14. Maybe there is usuable bass down to 14, I don't know how to interpret whether the drop off lower than 20 is still usable or not.

Any reason not to disable the cutoff mode in Audessey MultiEQ - X if using high quality subwoofers? What's the best setting there for 2 subs that go down to 14 on paper?
I dont see any harm in disabling the cut-off mode for the subwoofers, found in the ‘Design Target Curves” tab, provided you limit the eq filters (specifically if any filters provide for any boosting) to the detected cut-off frequency (you don't want to apply any boost to a sub below its natural roll-off.

Note: The eq filters parameters/limits are found in the “Filters Setting” tab
So use Auto and set the low roll off? Is that what you're saying? I'm not at home but here's the offline screenshot showing basically flat to 20...Although the company swears that this sub goes down to 14. Maybe there is usuable bass down to 14, I don't know how to interpret whether the drop off lower than 20 is still usable or not.

View attachment 298617
I would go with what MultEQ-X has detected……just because your sub may go down to 14Hz anechoically doesnt mean your room will support such
Look at the measured rolloff and then change the EQ limit on the low end to make it generally line up to it. Shouldn't be an issue. Just try different values on the filter screen until the predicted rolloff lines up at about the same slope as the natural rolloff.

Also, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the 1.6 update just released and now allows import of target curves from text files. So instead of importing filter data, you can just import the curve you want it to correct to. I played around with importing Harman, Harman trained listener, steady state response, Olive-Welti, and a few other curves last night, and it works better than importing filters.
I also noticed the update but didn’t get around to check it out.

Would you mind sharing the text files for the Harman curves here or provide a link?

So far I have used filters for their approximation.
So use Auto and set the low roll off? Is that what you're saying? I'm not at home but here's the offline screenshot showing basically flat to 20...Although the company swears that this sub goes down to 14. Maybe there is usuable bass down to 14, I don't know how to interpret whether the drop off lower than 20 is still usable or not.
Based on that measurement, I would just leave it as it is. You're still getting some usable sound below 20Hz, and the predicted rolloff is slightly better, so it's still correcting a bit in that region. Should be fine. Depending on the sub, it likely has its own limiter to prevent over-excursion anyway.
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