I agree with almost everything that has been said here about the SQ and the Build Quality of these headphones.
So, I happened to have experienced an early 2020 batch piece of this headphone, and now have a 11/2023 batch piece.
What happened was I had ordered one off Amazon in June 2023 at a great price. The SQ was just like most of you over here say and, unfortunately, the Build Quality issues most of you experience, too were evident.
In fact, my experience was worse than some of the others.
Within the first few hours, the faux leather of the headband start peeling off badly. And within 3 weeks, the headband straight up snapped broke above the right ear cup.
When I checked the box, I realised that this was an early 2020 model and must have been lying with the Amazon reseller all through these years.
Harman, where I live, agreed to honour the warranty. Initially, I thought they will replace the headband and give my HP back, but they just kept delaying the delivery till last week. It was very frustrating - a seven month wait! - but finally they gave me a fresh piece. I insisted on an inspection, especially considering that the headband snapping issue in some 2020 batches were all over the forums and reddit.
So, what did I find? A noticeable bump in the 2023 batch piece, too, on the headband right around where my 2020 piece had snapped
The service centre folks were also surprised and took a photograph for their records, should the same problem arise again. But they were quite firm that the warranty period will not be extended and will apply only till one year from my June 2023 purchase, which is just about five months from now. Fingers crossed.
Now, to the differences I noticed between the 2020 and 2023 HPs:
1. Headband faux leather started peeling off immediately upon unboxing.
2. Headband snapped within three weeks of careful/gentle use.
3. XLR cable rubs against shirt, and snags if there are collars involved.
4. Seating was always hit and miss. Was never able to get it right in first attempt.
5. The drivers used to press against the ear.
1. No peeling after a week's use.
2. Headband has a kind of bump where the 2020 ones used to break.
3. XLR cable still has same problem.
4. Ear cup and seating has clearly been improved. Now, it is more or less the right seating on first attempt.
5. This is probably the biggest improvement - the drivers do not touch my ear. I think they have considerably increased the cup recess size.
In general, the ear cushion is slightly more rigid than the 2020 version. So, AKG does seem to have worked on improving the Build Quality.
Now, the wait goes on to see if the headband does have proper integrity. I hope it doesn't fail again. Or, if it breaks, it does so before the warranty ends in June.
Will drop updates here if anything changes.