You are looking at the wrong graph here to determine RT60. Nevertheless, we can still gain useful information.
1. Unless you measured your noise floor with an SPL meter, REW has no way of knowing what the noise floor is. Nevertheless, human eyes can tell you the noise floor. In your graph above, you can see that the sound stops decaying after a certain point. This is your noise floor, it is -36dB below the main signal. This does NOT mean that your noise floor is 36dB above 0dB ... who knows what that is if you don't have an SPL meter.
2. The RT60 = "reverberant time for sound to decay by 60dB after the EDT". The RT60 has no meaning in small room acoustics because (1) sound does not form reverberant fields at low frequencies, they form room modes, and (2) the noise floor in typical listening rooms is too high for sound to decay by 60dB. In your listening room, we can see that the noise floor is about -36dB to the main signal.
We can still estimate the RT60 by extrapolation. The "EDT" (Early Decay Time) is the initial decay before the first reflection. By convention this is 5ms. So we can see that at 5ms, the sound has decayed by -4dB. The time to decay to -24dB (i.e. 20dB decay) is 150ms. Since sound decays at a linear rate, the
estimated RT60 is 450ms. This is known as the T20 - or "time for sound to decay by 20dB after the EDT, extrapolated to 60dB".
In reality, the RT60 target is frequency dependent, room size dependent, and application dependent. It looks something like this:
Look at the green lines only, ignore the other lines. The green lines show the RT60 tolerance target for a particular room which I grabbed from an
online RT60 calculator. Where those green lines should sit depends on the variables mentioned.
Your listening room is divided into zones. I have calculated the zones and drawn them in for you. I have assumed a room height of 2.5m so the estimated room volume is 50m3. I used the T20 calculated before of 0.45s. Read more about the Schroder frequency
In the pressure zone, wavelengths are too long to form room modes. They pressurize the room instead (assuming your room is sealed and there are no open doors which will throw off the calculation). In the modal zone, long wavelengths form typical peaks and dips that we see in any room. In the diffuse field, sound behaves less like waves and more like rays. Above the transition zone, the loudspeaker dictates the sound. Below the transition zone, it is the loudspeaker and room combined.
I strongly suggest that you buy
Dr. Toole's book and read it. He points out that the domestic RT60 target can usually be achieved with normal room furniture and without any room treatment. Remember that the target has upper and lower limits - where that limit lies for YOU depends on your preference and your views on direct vs. reflected sound. It is surprisingly controversial. Everybody agrees that too many reflections = loss of clarity, too few reflections = unpleasant loss of ambience and "dead" sound. But where those limits should be ... well, do a search on ASR and read those long threads.