
  1. M

    Will I Damage My Speakers? (Building my first setup)

    Long time lurker on the forums, but finally made an account :) So I'm putting together my first home hi-fi system (that'll reside in my living room) and will pull double duties for music listening and for TV. My listening position will be the couch, which will be about 10 feet from the...
  2. W

    Looking for advice on a 3 channel Hypex Ncore Amplifier - ATI vs Nord/Apollon

    Looking for advice on a 3 channel Hypex Ncore amplifier - ATI vs Nord/Apollon I currently have a ATI AT528NC amplifier which powers my surrounds and atmos speakers. I am looking for another amp for my LCR (Procella P8). I have decided to stay with a Class D amp specifically Hypex ncore based...
  3. VintageFlanker

    Apollon Audio AS1200 Review (Stereo Power Amplifier)

    Disclaimer: What goes next comes with: a) My not so great English b) Unprofessional pictures shot with my phone ;) Apollon Audio AS1200 Review Hi folks, I just received my new power amp and thought there was a lot to say about it. The aforementioned is the Apollon AS1200. For those who...
  4. BillG

    NAD M10 Streaming Amplifier Lab Report... has run a performance analysis on the NAD M10 streaming, integrated amplifier recently, and this is what they found - I can't attest to the validity of it , though...
  5. Xulonn

    Digital evolution - some audio electronics history

    I will start with some information about two audiophile Class-D amplifier pioneers - Tripath and Hypex. In spite of the disdain displayed by some traditionalist audio enthusiasts for Class-D, these pioneering efforts were based on rigorous engineering, not unicorn fairy dust and other...
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