
  1. A

    Strange DAP / DAC Foepoe UD951C - DSD Multichannel support?

    This is my first post / thread in this forum. I have been reading extensively many sections of this wonderful website and i am glad to be part of the community now. I am interested in finding an affordable solution for a DAC or independent DAP that is capable of outputting multichannel audio...
  2. Scytales

    Is DSD HF Quantization Noise a Real Concern? A case study with modest measurements and a comparative survey.

    A concern is often expressed about the effect of Direct Stream Digital (DSD) high frequency (HF) quantization noise on downstream electronics, especially power amplifiers, and the tweeters of loudspeakers. For a quarter of century since the inception of SA-CD, the first carrier of DSD, I have...
  3. amirsam

    Dac, headphone amp, passive preamp, headphone & studio monitor recommendation

    Hey guys This is my first post on this amazing forum I listen to prog rock 60s 70s 80s metal classical jazz fusion ost. My archive consist of vinyl rips dsd 5.6 mhz flac 24 bit /96 khz flac 24 bit /192 khz, sacd & 24 bit/ 48 khz mqa hi-res music I enjoy neutral sound with high detail & good...
  4. 0

    Gustard U18 DDC / Musician Audio Pegasus

    I am using the Gustard U18 with a Musician Pegasus DAC. I am using the I2S output on the U18 and the I2S input on the Pegasus. PCM audio seems to work fine, however the left and right channels are swapped while playing DSD audio. I have tried the 4 different modes on the U18 and the 8 different...
  5. PaperBoat


    Is DSD harmful for tweeters & amps?
  6. PaperBoat

    Need your impression...

    Both DSD64 and DSD128 conversion adds a potentially euphonic characteristic to the sound.
  7. PaperBoat

    PCM and DSD

    PCM to DSD = better sound quality?
  8. mervan

    Newbie here: Differences of DSF and WavPack

    Hi, this is my first post here, and I am a newbie in this hi-fi world. I have several albums on my computer in different formats. Let's take Pink Floyd's album Wish You Were Here as the reference in this post. I have two versions of this album: the first is in DSF, 11289 kHz, 22579 kbps, 1 bit...
  9. M

    HDMI DSD to DoP conversion boxes - any reviews?

    Hi all, Wondering if there are any reviews on those ~$100 digital-to-digital converters that will strip out the DSD stream from an HDMI signal and make it into a DoP signal a DAC can use to convert DSD to analog. Specifically interested in 2-ch but any reviews would be interesting. Thx.
  10. Jim Shaw


  11. Doggie

    Topping D10s strange and scary DSD static onset issue

    Hello all, proud owner of a new Topping L30 + D10s stack. Many thanks to everyone on this forum who test these units and helped me make an informed decision. I've been having a very concerning problem with my D10s that has seemingly just started related to DSD playback. On any DSD sample rate...
  12. Soria Moria

    How does DSD to PCM conversion work?

    Hi, newbie here. I've seen a lot of PCM music that has been converted from DSD64, and what they seem to almost always have in common is that the PCM converted version is 24-bit 88.2 KHz sample rate. From what I know of DSD and specifically DSD64, is that it's 1-bit at a 2.8224 MHz sample rate...
  13. S

    Oversampling and reconstruction filter

    Hi guys. New member here so please let me know if I am doing things wrong. I just created a facebook post, but I think most people in the group I posted in are not too familiar with the subject, so I decided to post it here as well: Had some findings this morning and thought I'd share. I've...
  14. A

    MoFi claimed its expensive reissues were purely analog reproductions. It had been deceiving its customer base for years.

    MoFi records controversy. Well, well, well, it looks like there is a bug in the analog chain. https://www.washingtonpost.com/music/2022/08/05/mofi-records-analog-digital-scandal/ Conclusion: "...the anti-digital crowd has been lying to itself. “These people who claim they have golden ears...
  15. D

    Topping D90SE Noise When Playing DSD Files

    Hello All, When playing DSD files on the D90SE, when a song finishes and another starts, a relatively low-level but still audible static/noise sound starts playing constantly, whether music is playing or not, whether PCM or DSD files. This static continues until I turn the D90SE off and on...
  16. Saidera

    Sony’s DSD Remastering compared to foobar2000’s DSD Processor

    Perhaps it has been asked before in one of my DSD threads. But the essence of the question is this: when converting PCM to DSD or DSD to PCM ‘on the fly’ or for real-time playback, does a more CPU intensive process create a more accurate file and does that extra accuracy result in any audible or...
  17. S

    Playing DSD files

    Hello, I have Matrix Element X and it does not play DSD files without rather loud and mostly annoying clicks in between the titles. In Asset UPnP there is an option to play DSF files as WAV, which means it is transcoding from DSD into PCM format. I have been noticing the quality of sound is...
  18. bidn

    equivalent PCM rates for converting DSD files?

    Dear all, I have some big, space-wasting DSD files which I want to convert to PCM (and then erase), they have various rates: mostly DSD64, but also some with DSD128 or DSD256. Even if anything beyond Red Book cannot be heard, I would prefer to minimize resolution loss. I can't find answers on...
  19. G

    I2S via HDMI pinout wiring.

    Hi Everyone, Need some help here. First some bullet points on the background of the situation: SACD players are intentionally designed to not send DSD signals via the digital output for copyright purposes. However, some SACD players can send the DSD signal via video HDMI, not to be confused...
  20. Saidera

    Onebitious too ambitious? and the mighty PCM-D100 one bit ambitious

    It was produced from 2015 to 2018. Released exclusively on mora. https://mora.jp/special/onebitious-records During those 4 years, around 30 odd concerts in Japan were recorded via PCM-D100, some with binaural mics and other mics, some with 4 channel, others probably just with its internal mics...
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