digital audio

  1. amirm

    What is Audio Dither

    Dither is a very non-intuitive concept. By adding noise, we can improve the performance of a digital system. Instead of writing a ton of text to explain it, I found this great video does it even better with animations. It is short and very good watch:
  2. Opus111

    What is 'incompetent digital' ?

    Ethan recently deployed the phrase 'competent digital is audibly transparent' so what are members ideas on how to spot incompetent (i.e. not transparent) digital? Does incompetent digital have any defining traits? I'll kick off by pointing out a couple of things I see as incompetent in much...
  3. amirm

    Bits and Bytes of Audio/Video Formats

    This is an article I wrote in 2011. It is basic information but very important to know as it is at the heart of digital audio and video. Understanding Audio/Video Rates By Amir Majidimehr Get ready to learn the most fundamental concept in audio/video which sadly, most people don’t understand...
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