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Gustard X16 Balanced MQA DAC Review

1. No, all at the same time;
3. Gustard is not compatible with Cayin IIS and cannot be used.

Ah cheers for the quick response, I curious why did you blank the 2nd answer :p
can i have the full name of each PCM filter (eg. H-Fast, M-Slow), the brochure was in Mandarin.
HELP NEEDED - SETUP PROBLEM - I have received this unit yesterday and think it is faulty. I cannot get the unit to recognise MQA enabled files, and the display shows PCM 44.1 regardless of what is being sent to it. I have attached my Bluesound Node 2i via Coaxial digital cable, enabled the external MQA DAC setting in the Bluesound to passthrough the Tidal signal to the DAC for processing - Nothing. No MQA. I have also tried using my MacBook Pro over USB to feed it from the USB input - again, no MQA and 44.1 regardless of the source file. There is literally no help information available online because the unit is so new, and I am close to giving up and returning it. Does anybody have any idea how to resolve this?

This was already talked about before in this thread.
Because you are going through the coaxial, X16 cannot do full decode (the first unfold is done in the XMOS USB chip).
You have to disable external MQA DAC so the Node2i does the first decode, and then the X16 will do the rendering.

But take into account on the screen it will show OFS instead of MQA.

Also you have to put it in fixed volume and let X16 manage volume or it won’t detect MQA.

Do a Node2i search on this thread and you will have more thorough explanations from the people with Node2i and how they solved it.
Ah cheers for the quick response, I curious why did you blank the 2nd answer :p
can i have the full name of each PCM filter (eg. H-Fast, M-Slow), the brochure was in Mandarin.
Haha~As a manufacturer, we do not express subjective opinions. Please share with other users.
Does MQA works only with compatible music, or it does upscale on every content with the new ess chip?

Also as i use SPDIF only, and maybe I2S with an hdmi splitter if it will work with Playstation 5, since USB probably isn't supported for PS5, really the jitter will be as low to 0ps from the DAC?
Does MQA works only with compatible music, or it does upscale on every content with the new ess chip?

Also as i use SPDIF only, and maybe I2S with an hdmi splitter if it will work with Playstation 5, since USB probably isn't supported for PS5, really the jitter will be as low to 0ps from the DAC?

For your first question, the answer is it will only decode MQA coded files, other formats will just bypass MQA and do normal DAC conversion at the frequency of the file.

With respect to your second question, I didn’t understand what you where asking, but be careful as the IIS input of the X16 is not an HDMI format, it just uses the HDMI connector, but I seriously doubt the PlayStation 5 will have a IIS output, it will be a HDMI not IIS. Same connector different pin out, they are not compatible. IIS through a HDMI connector is not standardized either so even between different manufacturers, they might have different pin outs, and will not be compatible, that is why they include the pin out on the manuals so you can check and modify the cable if needed.
Tested another DAC brand that supports MQA. On MAC computers, the volume cannot be adjusted.
As China approaches the Spring Festival, engineers have been on vacation. After the holiday, they will further study the issue.
I'm glad you acknowledged the MAC volume issue, not just merely brushing it aside and tell your customers to take the issue as it is without even attempting to find a solution for us all. I'm feeling a little more confident about your customer service now. I'll hang on to my X16 for a little longer and see if this MAC volume issue can be possibly fixed by Gustard. Thank you for your attentive customer service and we look forward to your update after the Spring Festival. Here's wishing everyone at Gustard a successful year ahead.
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For your first question, the answer is it will only decode MQA coded files, other formats will just bypass MQA and do normal DAC conversion at the frequency of the file.

With respect to your second question, I didn’t understand what you where asking, but be careful as the IIS input of the X16 is not an HDMI format, it just uses the HDMI connector, but I seriously doubt the PlayStation 5 will have a IIS output, it will be a HDMI not IIS. Same connector different pin out, they are not compatible. IIS through a HDMI connector is not standardized either so even between different manufacturers, they might have different pin outs, and will not be compatible, that is why they include the pin out on the manuals so you can check and modify the cable if needed.
There should be a method to get good sound from PS5 to X16, i mean a good HDMI to I2s extractor maybe, since PS5 doesn't have optical unfortunately, but only HDMI audio, usb is only UAC1 and i don't think can be used with X16 anytime soon, but i hope so.. PS5 for me would be the only futuristic system i care to rely on, honestly..
There should be a method to get good sound from PS5 to X16, i mean a good HDMI to I2s extractor maybe, since PS5 doesn't have optical unfortunately, but only HDMI audio, usb is only UAC1 and i don't think can be used with X16 anytime soon, but i hope so.. PS5 for me would be the only futuristic system i care to rely on, honestly..

All respectable TVs have optical out, so it was a good idea to take it out because I wouldn't trust a Gaming console with its implementation anyway.

I also rather connect my TV anyway instead of having two connections (PS + TV).
All respectable TVs have optical out, so it was a good idea to take it out because I wouldn't trust a Gaming console with its implementation anyway.

I also rather connect my TV anyway instead of having two connections (PS + TV).
I don't use tv, but monitor, so i can't with it.. I will have to find a different solution but maybe a thread for that. Just wanted to know in short if there could be a method with X16, or if not, if Gustard is aware of, like firmware update for USB UAC1 compability..
I don't use tv, but monitor, so i can't with it.. I will have to find a different solution but maybe a thread for that. Just wanted to know in short if there could be a method with X16, or if not, if Gustard is aware of, like firmware update for USB UAC1 compability..

Are you sure the PS5 supports UAC1 to begin with?
Finally received the Gustard today!

What's the device on the bottom? :p

I am... No, it's ethical : I use Open Source software Logitech Media Server and had almost all the hardware (before Logitech buy the business, then let it back in the hands of coder).

This one is a marvelous product from my point of view. Anyway, the Name is Logitech Transporter. It's a LAN player, with plenty of inputs and ouputs in analogic and numeric. So it's possible to use it just like a streamer and use the X16.
There should be a method to get good sound from PS5 to X16, i mean a good HDMI to I2s extractor maybe, since PS5 doesn't have optical unfortunately, but only HDMI audio, usb is only UAC1 and i don't think can be used with X16 anytime soon, but i hope so.. PS5 for me would be the only futuristic system i care to rely on, honestly..
Here is extractor with optical. Just an example there are plenty.

Then again, interesting to see is 120 sinad will go 80 with it and ruin sound quality, eheh. Thanks anyway for the input, will open a thread probably, there should be also well measuring/performing extractors somewhere
Are you sure the PS5 supports UAC1 to begin with?
Well, i heard UAC1 is supported for usb by Ps4 and Ps5, so i guess, in fact jds atom updated all their dac's to work with ps4/ps5 via usb.
Is your monitor a gaming monitor? Sometimes they can relay the audio signal via usb.
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