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PS Audio Talking Smack About Amirm

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Best course of action for Paul to take is to show why he thinks measurements taken here are inaccurate, and use PS' measurement tools to show how they test their components. Just saying he doesn't agree with how his components were measured here doesn't cut it.
Very tough.

I always carry a side arm when I hunt them, and I once had to use it after a member of the hunting party only wounded a large boar and he charged us.

When people hunt them with dogs, the dogs wear kevlar vests. But they still sometimes get killed due to neck wounds.
I breed and compete with treeing walkers. Hybrids and registered. Greyhound bred in now and again. Sold several to guys in southern wv back in the day. Guys would use hounds on track/hounds and mastiff/pits to finish. My dogs could finish on their own. Not too often that my hifi and hound world cross. Puppy pic instead of action out of resepect to those not into hunting. 16731.jpeg
And the membership of ASR hasn't been doing that in this public forum for several years? Hypocritical, much?

It is warranted, particularly where certain categories of product are tested in a manner inconsistent with industry norms and interpretation varies from review to review. I have been critical of this in the past particularly with amplification products. But it is what it is.

I think Amir does his absolute best with the time he has, and the products he reviews. I really do. But criticism from industry luminaries is fair game and should be encouraged.

Why are you attempting to make these points?

Paul didn't need to say a goddamned thing. All he ever had/has to do to prove his point is post his contrary measurements where they are proving Amir to be incorrect.

But slander is an easier path for Paul.
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You should consider reporting him to YouTube for slandering you.
Nah, proper YouTube protocol would be for Amir to post a response video where he shows off his bad-ass pizza oven, or record a diss-track using the stage name of DJ Panther.

EDIT: I took a quick look at the current state of the comments on the video and Paul is getting his ass torn open. Not sure if this is mostly ASR members coming to Amir's defense, but as Napoleon once said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
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Why are you attempting to make these points?

Because I seek balance. I also believe that, in any discussion, the alternative view should be presented.

Internet lynch-mob mentality is not my thing.

But slander it easier path for Paul.

This thread and many of the posts by members here could easily be considered libelous- have you considered that?
Because I seek balance. I also believe that, in any discussion, the alternative view should be presented.

Internet lynch-mob mentality is not my thing.

This thread and many of the posts by members here could easily be considered libelous- have you considered that?

What internet lynch-mob mentality? If there are libelous posts here Paul is free to do something about it. What balance are you seeking? Paul's simply off mark until he can provide factual evidence that bolsters his statement about Amir.

Paul would do well to remember that the affirmative defense against a charge of slander is the truth.
What internet lynch-mob mentality? If there are libelous posts here Paul is free to do something about it. What balance are you seeking?

The thread has become an unfortunate pile-on. A pile-on where a respected industry veteran has been called a "moron" by a competing manufacturer in an open, very public forum.

To me, that's a step too far.
The thread has become an unfortunate pile-on. A pile-on where a respected industry veteran has been called a "moron" by a competing manufacturer in an open, very public forum.

To me, that's a step too far.

If not for Paul's slander of Amir there would be no thread and subsequent dog pile. Paul started this and now he can deal with the fall out.

I've sampled his video's from time to time and I don't have much respect for him based on what he has to say.

When I saw the title of his Video my first statement was better to have long, balanced, interconnects. That's just common sense. Signal level, balanced, is good to 200 feet. Try running your speaker level cables that long and see what you get. Paul, as an EE (is he?), should understand this from the word go.
But .... but .... but .... very much of what he says in those videos is total B.S. I only looked at a couple of them. It was all I could stand. Since so much of what he says is crap, you have no way of knowing what part of it is crap and what part of it is legit. The safe course of action for you to take is to erase from memory everything that you learned from him and start over fresh. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm serious.

I didn't take what he said as the law, only a guide.
I only cast stones at people who condescendingly tell others that their expensive garbage is aurally superior to, say, Topping DACs or TI chip amps. This type of behavior seems to exist only in the worlds of audio and wine.
The world of electrif guitar is pretty nearly as ridiculous.
The thread has become an unfortunate pile-on. A pile-on where a respected industry veteran has been called a "moron" by a competing manufacturer in an open, very public forum.

To me, that's a step too far.
But it's OK for Paul to call Amir incompetent in the same vein?

Im totally lost on your contradictory position. You even call the instigator "respected".

What Paul did was the step too far. It certainly should not be respected.

He has no respect for Amir or for what this site is doing/acheiving. He used a public forum (YouTube) to spread a false hood. A deliberate attempt to publicly damage Amirs reputation with statements that are demonstrably untrue.

You bet I'm going to respond. My position is that it is foolish to publicly state things about a person which are easily demonstrably untrue and which could damage their reputation. You might even say to do such a thing is stupid. It could even have legal consequences. Secondly I don't believe it would actually help his cause (business promotion) and could even do damage.

So yes I think Paul was moronic in his actions.



  1. very foolish or stupid.
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I breed and compete with treeing walkers. Hybrids and registered. Greyhound bred in now and again. Sold several to guys in southern wv back in the day. Guys would use hounds on track/hounds and mastiff/pits to finish. My dogs could finish on their own. Not too often that my hifi and hound world cross. Puppy pic instead of action out of resepect to those not into hunting.View attachment 80530

I have an ex-track greyhound. But he doesn't come hunting.
The thread has become an unfortunate pile-on. A pile-on where a respected industry veteran has been called a "moron" by a competing manufacturer in an open, very public forum.

To me, that's a step too far.

I like my hobbies to be fun, uplifting of the spirit, relaxing, friendship building, and things that bring me joy.
This thread sure has piled on since this morning :D.

Because I seek balance. I also believe that, in any discussion, the alternative view should be presented.

Internet lynch-mob mentality is not my thing.

This thread and many of the posts by members here could easily be considered libelous- have you considered that?

The thread has become an unfortunate pile-on. A pile-on where a respected industry veteran has been called a "moron" by a competing manufacturer in an open, very public forum.

To me, that's a step too far.

All i can say is this is a science based forum and we deal with facts and evidence so balance is out the window for most audio things. Paul basically made his video as per usual then went out of the way to slander amir in the middle of it. If he presented evidence or provided anything on why amir is wrong, preferably in a separate video, we would accept that here. "Moron" is not really a harsh word so i don't see it as a big deal but unnecessary ? maybe. In the end all he did was create more traffic to this site, where people can see and judge amir for themselves. A quick look at the youtube comments and i can see almost all civil responses to him.

P.S: i would actually say paul is a genius of a snakeoil salesman and i personally can't be mad at that. This whole world is taking advantage of ignorance and we cant be all knowing in everything. As long as you dont sell me something broken, i cant hate on smart marketing.
Paul is doing Paul , something constructive would be as @SIY suggests , sharing project files and having a open transparent discussion on the measurement parameters he considers important. If he's really making great performing products we want to be showing that in our measurements.

Anything else is just playing to the gallery and must be seen as just cynical stoking of the fire for internet hits and attention as such it's hard to respect, for me at least .

As a forum we must react to these things in the most constructive manor possible, flame wars and name calling doesn't help us.

There's a lot of impressive measurement gear at their factory, at the moment it's presence and public display seems more about branding than making high performance audio electronics.

I wait for the collaboration and open , transparent investigation that will serve them, us and the industry, bettering us all.

Or we can carry on trading self serving low blows .
I say we go back to discussing pizzas. That felt more constructive to me, at least - this thread is at best going in circles.

So Pizzas. Has anyone outside of Sweden tried our excellent banana, bacon, chili, curry, chicken and peanut pizzas? They are truly excellent. If you are feeling adventurous, you could even add pineapple to the mix.
I say we go back to discussing pizzas. That felt more constructive to me, at least - this thread is at best going in circles.

So Pizzas. Has anyone outside of Sweden tried our excellent banana, bacon, chili, curry, chicken and peanut pizzas? They are truly excellent. If you are feeling adventurous, you could even add pineapple to the mix.
Any satay sauce available on that ?
Has anyone outside of Sweden tried our excellent banana, bacon, chili, curry, chicken and peanut pizzas? They are truly excellent. If you are feeling adventurous, you could even add pineapple to the mix.

Surely you're trolling us.

What is the name of such a thing?

Is it supposed to be Thai or something?
I say we go back to discussing pizzas. That felt more constructive to me, at least - this thread is at best going in circles.

So Pizzas. Has anyone outside of Sweden tried our excellent banana, bacon, chili, curry, chicken and peanut pizzas? They are truly excellent. If you are feeling adventurous, you could even add pineapple to the mix.

That's more than adventurous :) I'll pass on even calling that pizza
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