I had to clear off my table saw and order some parts (found I did not have good port tube and enough damping sheets that are required). Thought I would share the build progress. Here is the basic cabinet for starters:
The cabinet plans leave room for interpretation, so loaded into Bassbox and this was the result. I made one adjustment to allow for a removable front baffle (also according to designer’s spec). The glue is still setting so have some time as I expect parts delivery later today. If all goes well, planning to ship completed unit to Amir by end of week
The cabinet plans leave room for interpretation, so loaded into Bassbox and this was the result. I made one adjustment to allow for a removable front baffle (also according to designer’s spec). The glue is still setting so have some time as I expect parts delivery later today. If all goes well, planning to ship completed unit to Amir by end of week
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