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Why is oratory1990's HD600 frequency response so different comparing to mine???



1990 vs.PNG

I'm a little confused when comparing my measurements with oratory's, His measurement of HD 600 has a perfect roll off at high frequency but mine are not. And many measurements online have a high frequency dip too, And for raw frequency response, they are all different from eachother.
I know different pinna can cause Difference measurement results, but when I compare my clone pinna with also oratory's measurement on HD668B, The difference seems not that big as in HD 600.
So I wanna ask if this is just because different HD 600 have different frequency response, or is it because of different overhead headphones will response really different on the same pinna so it's not Possible to use a simple EQ to match it with oratory's freq response, So that I can make my clone pinna measurements better?
You must explain what is what on the graphs.
1990 vs 小黑 770p.png
1990 vs 小黑 M50X.png

here are comparisons of M50X and 770p,different too
There are measured differences in all these (which I don’t find strange). You can always fins differences that are due to measure setup and between headphones (drivers, pads can differ somewhat).
Some combination of:

Different rigs / pinna
He averages multiple measurements
Unit to unit variation of headphones (plus age and wear of pads)
There are measured differences in all these (which I don’t find strange). You can always fins differences that are due to measure setup and between headphones (drivers, pads can differ somewhat).
With all these data,can I explained like this:
Because I have a really similar frequency response when measure HD668B, And these two HD668Bs between me and oratory has a similar quality control. So that we have a more similar measurement results. The errors between them are most likely cause between pinna's diffrence?
Others like dt770pro, The frequency response on quality control are not that good. So we have a peak at around 8k, And that's not because of different pinna, Just headphone itself has a really different frequency response.
And three out four has a similar reduce at 4-5k, So I can boost them to have a closer measurement results when comparing to harman target?
Correct me. If I have any mistake.:p I feel that I still confused at something.
Some combination of:

Different rigs / pinna
He averages multiple measurements
Unit to unit variation of headphones (plus age and wear of pads)
Oh, thanks for telling me! I never know that he averages multiple measurements.:D
And these two HD668Bs between me and oratory has a similar quality control.
How do you know?
The errors between them are most likely cause between pinna's diffrence?
See above, or the way you mount them etc etc
So I can boost them to have a closer measurement results when comparing to harman target?
Not sure what you mean here.

What is it you are trying to achieve from this? derive EQ based on measurements of your particular units? Or actually become a public reviewer/ measurer (like Oratory)?

What measurement rig are you using- is it the same as his?

From his reddit:

"I have headphones XYZ, and Innerfidelity or Rtings measured it. Can’t you just work off of these measurements?
Unfortunately no. I also can’t use measurements made with a miniDSP EARS, and I’ve previously explained why.
Headphone measurements are not easy to do, and depend a lot on the exact measurement rig used.
The same headphone measured on different rigs can produce very different results - and the awful thing is that this difference is not the same for every headphone.
Which means I can’t just use a compensation to transform an Innerfidelity-measurement into one compatible with the target curve I’m using.

  • In-Ear Headphone measurements made on a 711 coupler will be compatible (meaning that if u/crinacle has measured your headphone, make him send me the measurement data).
  • Over-Ear headphone measurements made on a suitable coupler with an anthropometric pinna will also be compatible (Head-Fi uses such a measurement setup, as do a few other review sites)"
i had several hd600 and must to say that unit variations is very normal for those headphones, they were produced in different packages and countries, they had a lot unofficial revisions (just like hd650), there is no surpsise in your FR graphs
i had several hd600 and must to say that unit variations is very normal for those headphones, they were produced in different packages and countries, they had a lot unofficial revisions (just like hd650), there is no surpsise in your FR graphs
:DOK thanks for telling me
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