Major Contributor
Those are a couple of mine... what are some of yours? They can be outdated like "Luminiferous aether" or current like "Oumuamua". Feel free to give a summary or explanation or links to how they got their name.
Since you brought up the singularity, I'll say "Roko's basilisk" because I think it sounds very badass, but unfortunately it's not even a real scientific idea, and it happens to be a very stupid idea even aside from being unscientific. It's as if AI proponents (of Kurzweil's stripe, but dumber) somehow convinced themselves Bloody Mary (the children's ghost story) was a real thing and got all scared.The Panspermia Theory.
"Ray Kurzweil is a prominent futurist who wholeheartedly believes that in the coming decades humanity will experience what he refers to as a technological singularity by which we will learn to transcend biology itself and all the limitations (including death) associated with it. Kurzweil reasons that truly intelligent civilizations (which he believes humanity to be) are destined to evolve into super-intelligent, possibly machine-based beings whose computational powers grow exponentially.
The idea is that once we hit this so-called “singularity” our technology will be so advanced that we’ll be making revolutionary new breakthroughs on practically a daily basis. We’ll be able to harness the power of our own sun in order to accomplish amazing interstellar feats once only dreamed of in science fiction. In this world, things like cyber brains, dyson spheres and teleportation devices aren’t just possible, they’re practically inevitable.
Of course, this theory has plenty of skeptics, including Noam Chomsky, who believes it to be nothing more than a science fiction enthusiast’s dream. While others simply believe we humans will carelessly destroy ourselves before ever reaching the singularity."
The way this plays out may mean we look forward to the heat death of the universe as entropy will be the only defense against increasing levels of BS.The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.
Sounds like a material that should be appearing any day now in cutting edge hifi cables.Copper nanotubes, actually written in the literature as...