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Value AVR with pre-outs (for Fosi Audio V3 Monos)

I bought my Denon 3800 for 800$.

How could you ever match that with the monoblocks?

I hope this slaps some sense into you.
there is plenty off second hand Marantz 6012/6013/7012 ,all have pre outs
Onkyo TX-RZ50 has full preouts. Note that Amir’s review gave this a bad review due to the power amp performance, meaning that your use-case entirely avoids the built in amp issues.
Would the X3500H be a suitable option? Reading Amir's review of that unit he was very damning of the DAC, with issues that are more prevalent at higher voltages (it's a bit over my head, so sorry if I'm mis-speaking!).
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