Hello @stemag,I provide below the starter for the gaudio_ctl daemon required to launch the script mentioned in my previous post (file set_samplerate.service under /usr/lib/systemd/system):
Code:[Unit] Description=Sample Rate Changer Daemon After=multi-user.target [Service] ExecStart=gaudio_ctl --gadget-name "UAC2Gadget" --ccmd "/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/set_samplerate.py {R}" Restart=always RestartSec=1 StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal SyslogIdentifier=set_samplerate CPUSchedulingPolicy=fifo CPUSchedulingPriority=10 User=pi Group=pi [Install] WantedBy=usb-gadget.target multi-user.target
Note the "WantedBy" option in the [Install] section ensuring that the sample rate change daemon is started when the usb-gadget.target is reached, indicating the aviailability of a usb gadget device (this was suggested by @phofman elsewhere).
I am not a dev per say, and would like to use this solution. since the infomation is quite scattered between posts, I am a little at lost.
Would it be possible for you to describe the steps including you're latest additions ?
It would he very much appreciate, thank you very much in advance