Hi everyone! I am in the process of redoing my listening and theater room. Simple stereo setup (no subs) with in wall speakers. I am borrowing a lot of the non-environment design philosophy as held by Mr. Philip Newell (deep absorbtion on ceiling, rear wall, and side walls - hard front wall and hard floor), albeit with compromises as are necessary in a domestic setting (right "side wall" is open to the rest of the house).
The question is whether or not I can "get away" with a 77 inch TV, or if I should go with a smaller 65 inch due to concerns from edge diffraction. See below picture. The red lines are studs. As of right now, the edge of the speakers will be a mere inch away from the sides of the TV. The TV however is very thin; with a super low profile mount, I calculate that the TV will protrude by 1.5 inches into the room. However, still very close to the speakers given the space contraints. It is hard to explain given the geometry of the room, but I can't really move the speakers much from their current planned positions.
Do you think I should downgrade to a 65 inch'er to give some breathing room to the speakers (or perhaps even absorbtion ajdacent to the speakers for 3-4 inches with a 65 inch TV), or that I shall largely be fine with the 77 inch TV, despite being nearly up against the speakers? For reference, speakers are the W228Be, 3 ways from Revel. Thank you!
The question is whether or not I can "get away" with a 77 inch TV, or if I should go with a smaller 65 inch due to concerns from edge diffraction. See below picture. The red lines are studs. As of right now, the edge of the speakers will be a mere inch away from the sides of the TV. The TV however is very thin; with a super low profile mount, I calculate that the TV will protrude by 1.5 inches into the room. However, still very close to the speakers given the space contraints. It is hard to explain given the geometry of the room, but I can't really move the speakers much from their current planned positions.
Do you think I should downgrade to a 65 inch'er to give some breathing room to the speakers (or perhaps even absorbtion ajdacent to the speakers for 3-4 inches with a 65 inch TV), or that I shall largely be fine with the 77 inch TV, despite being nearly up against the speakers? For reference, speakers are the W228Be, 3 ways from Revel. Thank you!