I am aware of the difference between anechoic and in-room measurement. Since there is no measurement to be found on the internet for the FB1s (they are over 20 years old now, so I suppose that is part of the reason), I thought I would just provide a quick-and-dirty substitute in the form of a measurement in my room. The point I was trying to make was that given the response I get between 20 and 50 Hz, I find it unlikely that the FB1 in an anechoic chamber would look anything like the Twenty.24i. By the way, it seems that the official PMC spec is
27Hz-20kHz – not sure where that SoundOnSound review got their numbers from.
Anyway, since I do not live in an anechoic chamber

, I am happy with the FB1s. I just need to improve my room and possibly compensate with some DRC – a future project.
Since the general trend of opinions expressed in this thread was
quite dismissive of TL speakers, I thought I would share my own
positive experience. I am sure there are bad TL speakers out there; I hope never to encounter them.