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Streamer + amp to drive Klipsch R620f speakers


Jan 8, 2024
Hello, dear ASR members
I have a pair of Klipsch R-620F speakers and currently no source/amplifier devices. Have read good reviews about WIIM amp but it currenly unvailable. So decided to try WIIM Pro plus and some amp. What kind of amp do you recommend to match with WIIM pro and Klipsch speakers? Or may be you could recommend another good variation? Also heard good reviews about Eversolo DMP-A6.
I actually have a pair of R-820F and based on this forum I purchased Wiim Pro Plus and an amp based on NCx500. It sounds very good to me, better than anything I've owned previously, but I'm no audio expert.
Just bought a pair of R-620F today from a friend and had a really nice listening session with my Bluesound Node 2i, Rotel Michi P5 and a Luxman M-03. I know this not a setup that every body can find but my friend was very satisfied pairing them with a Music Hall A35.2. I borrowed that amp before and can really give it my recommendation.
Just bought a pair of R-620F today from a friend and had a really nice listening session with my Bluesound Node 2i, Rotel Michi P5 and a Luxman M-03. I know this not a setup that every body can find but my friend was very satisfied pairing them with a Music Hall A35.2. I borrowed that amp before and can really give it my recommendation.
Thanks for answer. Ive received wiim amp couple days ago, and fully satisfied and happy with sound. This is my first audio system. What do you think about adding sw?
I added a Rel sub to my other system with Dynaudio speakers and was really happy with the result, so I say yes to adding a sub
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