whats the difference between 32/284 and 32/784 for music on tidal is it a massive upgrade in sound? is a topping ex5 a big upgrade over ae 5
whys that sorry for all the questions im a noob. whats bad about the higher bits?
It doesn't really give you anything more within the audibility envelope, so it isn't necessarily bad, it's just not going to make anything better.
16/44.1, which is CD or 'Redbook' quality, gives you 96dB of dynamic range, and will let you recreate the original sounds up to 22.05kHz, which is higher than we can hear.
32 bits gives you 192dB of dynamic range, and the only thing you get from the higher sampling rate is higher frequency capture, not more accuracy.
24/96 gives you 144dB of dynamic range, and up to 48kHz (1/2 of 96) in the band limit.
Sampling Theory isn't intuitive at all really, but is worth understanding at least conceptually to realize you aren't missing out on anything with these silly high sample rate recordings.
Monty is the go-to around here, and well worth the time if you haven't seen it.