I've been using firmware version 1V0A3 for a few days but it did not fix my crackling/popping noises. Curious if that issue is solved for others or perhaps I may have a bad unit.
I will guide you by assuming that XMOS driver is installed.
1. After you run Windows Task Manager
Finish process 'USB Audio Class Driver Control Panel'.
2. Run the Explorer and go to this folder.
C:\Program Files\XMOS\XMOS_Audio_Driver\x64
3. Open the file 'XMOSUSBDACCpl.xml' as a notepad (or wordpad)
4. Search (Ctrl + F) to find the keyword 'Pageoptions'
5. You can see it in the screenshot
Please change this as below and save it.
6. Run the XMOS control panel.
Change to 'Always On' like a screenshot and exit.
7. Please check if the crackling/popping are fixed and report to the forum. Good luck!