I grew up with these. My dad tried collecting the entire catalog, be it on CD or vinyl and I was the direct beneficiary.
To this day, they are my favorite old school "audiophile" record label (vs. Reference Recordings, Telarc, Chesky, etc.). I just love the sound of their recordings in general and I think they hold up pretty well to this day.
Too bad they were to focused on the direct-to-disc thing when they should've also done direct to digital (assuming the tech was already available then, I'm not sure.) Today I still listen to their CDs which is from analog tape and wonder how much limitations tape made to their recordings (tape saturation, etc.). I wonder how the recordings would've sounded if they were direct to 24-bit, 44.1k digital.
Anyway, I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts about Sheffield Lab recordings. Good? Bad? Ugly? Fire away.