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[SELL] Rel 5x


Forum Donor
Aug 17, 2021
Got a pair of Rhythmiks. Looking to sell this one.

Preferably a buyer out of India. Priced at $800(so doesnt make sense to from the US at least).
Nice. Rhythmik is on the short list. Was thinking of two F12SE’s in white. Need white to integrate with the family room. They seem to have great reviews. The other option was two Rel T7x or 9x. Do you not like the 5x?
The 5x is really nice. I wouldn’t recommend them over rhythmik though unless you can take the aesthetics hit.

Im trying to just go all the way for the new Kanye album so thats all haha.
I hear ya! I wish I could demo them first. It’s just going on reviews. I think they have a good return policy, so that helps if they don’t work out.
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