Apologies for the thread necromancy. I thought it relevant to update the gang with some recent experiences.
I picked up a Cayin N3 DAP a few months back as I found my Galaxy Note 8 was just abysmal, sound wise. The feature set is amazing, and the sound...well, it's not TOTL, but it will drive HD6xx's with authority. I knew this was not end game, but it sounds pretty darn good and helped until I got something better.
I recently picked up a Chord Mojo, and I hafta say, it's a fine device. If you've not heard one, please make it a point to do so. So much so that I am looking for a chance to put ears on the Chord Dave. JA did a fine job measuring it, it did better than good.
The HeadFi fanbois gush about the Mojo, so much so that other 'cognoscenti' forums simply turn their noses up at it, as if popularity is some kind of indication of poor performance. The hate is crushing. The reality is that I've not heard anything in the price range that even gets close. I won't bother describing how it sounds, since they are so cheap that anyone who can afford TOTL portable gear should have one as a reference device. If the gear (A&K, Sony WM, Lotoo) you're looking at can't top it, then send it back. My two cents.
I picked up a Cayin N3 DAP a few months back as I found my Galaxy Note 8 was just abysmal, sound wise. The feature set is amazing, and the sound...well, it's not TOTL, but it will drive HD6xx's with authority. I knew this was not end game, but it sounds pretty darn good and helped until I got something better.
I recently picked up a Chord Mojo, and I hafta say, it's a fine device. If you've not heard one, please make it a point to do so. So much so that I am looking for a chance to put ears on the Chord Dave. JA did a fine job measuring it, it did better than good.
The HeadFi fanbois gush about the Mojo, so much so that other 'cognoscenti' forums simply turn their noses up at it, as if popularity is some kind of indication of poor performance. The hate is crushing. The reality is that I've not heard anything in the price range that even gets close. I won't bother describing how it sounds, since they are so cheap that anyone who can afford TOTL portable gear should have one as a reference device. If the gear (A&K, Sony WM, Lotoo) you're looking at can't top it, then send it back. My two cents.