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How to manage the mental somersaults, avoiding brain damage and brain rewiring from reading news?

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If there was an agenda it wasn't so obvious in small doses.
There were rules against broadcast news having an agenda in the US until the late 80s. The end of the Fairness Doctrine along with the advent of cable (not subject to the restrictions on broadcasters) opened the doors for that.

Full-time 24-hour news channels necessitated the production of content that wasn't just recitation of facts, since that only takes, you know, 30-60 minutes and you have 23 more hours to fill with something. Turns out that "something" is not of particular value unless you like being told what to think.

I'll just say it again, cable news is intellectual poison.
I haven't watched tv (or now streamed) 'evening news' or 'current affairs' type programmes for well over 30 years. Even though I have always lived in countries with access to relatively unbiased news media their primary function is still entertainment which I have always found rather sickening regardless of the actual 'content' of the news. I prefer to keep myself informed by reading the headlines from a few more or less trusted sources from around the world.

My leisure reading material could be described as 'trying to understand how the world works' from a broadly sciency perspective, i.e. popular science texts on quantum physics, archaeology, mathematics, cosmology, genetics, philosophy, economics, history, art and of course music from both historical and current authors. This keeps me more or less sane I think ... although others may not agree. ;-)
I guess you would consider me to be one of "those people". I would classify myself as a conservative leaning libertarian. My views have not changed much since I was first allowed to vote at 18 and I am now past what most would consider "middle age". More cynical and less trusting, but otherwise the same.

I am opposed to almost all forms of censorship. That applies to things I disagree with, even actual racists if you can find one. They should be able to spout their ignorance so we can see and know who they are. I have never actually met a real person who could be classified as a real racist, except for one local politician who actually seemed to believe people with a higher melanin level were too dumb to be able to acquire a voter id, therefore requiring voter id was racist. He was definitely a real racist as are those who are against voter ID for the same reason.

I am in strongly in favor of only one form of censorship: Children should not be exposed to adult subjects having to do with sex and I'm extremely suspicious of anyone who believes otherwise and especially those who insist on pushing it on them. Let kids be kids and retain their innocence as long as possible. They grow up too fast as it is.

In general I think we need to keep both sides from enriching themselves by starting and pushing for wars and supporting and profiting from large corporations in general.

If the above makes me a conspiracy theorist, then I will proudly admit to it.
Wowowow! You nail'd it majorly. I'm the exact same.
I haven't watched tv (or now streamed) 'evening news' or 'current affairs' type programmes for well over 30 years. Even though I have always lived in countries with access to relatively unbiased news media their primary function is still entertainment which I have always found rather sickening regardless of the actual 'content' of the news. I prefer to keep myself informed by reading the headlines from a few more or less trusted sources from around the world.

My leisure reading material could be described as 'trying to understand how the world works' from a broadly sciency perspective, i.e. popular science texts on quantum physics, archaeology, mathematics, cosmology, genetics, philosophy, economics, history, art and of course music from both historical and current authors. This keeps me more or less sane I think ... although others may not agree. ;-)
I think a old or new hobby so I can do something for myself and not immersed in the crap. Like get another electronics lab setup at home.
The Serenity Prayer – Full Version (composed in 1940s)
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.

I found nothing in the daily news brings peace. Therefore, I focus on other worthwhile adventures that do. Spending time with loved ones, friends and enjoyable hobbies and exercise bring joy and well being to my day. If something brings mental fatigue or pain I remove it from my daily activities. There is no benefit from these activities. Life is too precious to waste a minute on things you cannot change. My primary goal is seek peace and happiness where it can be found and bring joy to others when possible. Things that deviate from that target are an unnecessary distraction.

The Serenity Prayer – Full Version (composed in 1940s)
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.

I found nothing in the daily news brings peace. Therefore, I focus on other worthwhile adventures that do. Spending time with loved ones, friends and enjoyable hobbies and exercise bring joy and well being to my day. If something brings mental fatigue or pain I remove it from my daily activities. There is no benefit from these activities. Life is too precious to waste a minute on things you cannot change. My primary goal is seek peace and happiness where it can be found and bring joy to others when possible. Things that deviate from that target are an unnecessary distraction.
That's good stuff @amper42. Thanks for posting that. :D
I think a old or new hobby so I can do something for myself and not immersed in the crap.

Yes, my escape is building guitars. Lots of arcane lore to immerse myself in, but most importantly, I have tear myself away from the page or screen and go and actually make some sawdust.
"When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only, "What are the facts, and what is the truth that the facts bear out?" Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think could have beneficial social effects, if it were believed. But look only and solely at: "What are the facts?""

-Lord Bertrand Russell, 1959

Russell is by far my favourite old philosophical troublemaker. The quote that starts that interview bears repeating. Being as apt now as was 65 years ago:

"I should say love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way – if we are to live together and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet."

Before 24 hour rolling news the only news programmes here in the uk were a 15 minute news bulletin at 6pm and a 30 minute one at 9pm or 10pm plus lunchtime news if you weren‘t at work, that was it. Newspapers were 24 hours out of date. I think this caused much less existential angst than 24 hour news and constant social media comment and was probably sufficient in terms of keeping up with current news affairs.
I think a old or new hobby so I can do something for myself and not immersed in the crap.

Two hours and twenty minutes in the air a mile high in the shade just cruising along rising 400 feet per minute thinking only about whether to track along the cloud edge to the right or cross to that big puffy in front of the showers on the left.

Requires just enough concentration that you don't think about anything else for more than a moment.

I used to read every hifi review I found, bought 'What Hifi ' magazine ... I don't do that now, I only read sources I can verify, or that are self-checking (like ASR with it's BS detectors).
I find that ironic because that's also how I have always approached News - if a source can't be verified then I'm suspicious. I'll read for entertainment but I don't get involved. That's given me a couple of sources that I'm happy with.

Never read the user comments, or social media chats - except for entertainment.

Try to anchor yourself with perspective. If I find myself reacting emotionally then I step back and check myself.

News and information is important, but not as important as people.
I am in strongly in favor of only one form of censorship: Children should not be exposed to adult subjects having to do with sex and I'm extremely suspicious of anyone who believes otherwise and especially those who insist on pushing it on them. Let kids be kids and retain their innocence as long as possible. They grow up too fast as it is.

No sex for children then. What about violence?
Wowowow! You nail'd it majorly. I'm the exact same.
I agree as well, with some nuances due to my French background - the French ideal is something unique but in essence it is about freedom too.
About the

mental somersaults, avoiding brain damage and brain rewiring​

Well that is exactly what the news media is pursuing. Especially current news media. Some years ago some universities published some studies about increasing concentration in ownership of news outlets. We are living the consequences of that. You have CeeNoNews, Faux News, CeeBS, etc. in the US. Same thing in France, there are some strong indications that some media are now foreign-run/bought (I still follow events in France because of the dire situation and well... I grew up there). Good news is most news outlets are not needed any longer. Select a few trustworthy channels, stay *the hell* away from the rest - they're after not just your mind but your soul (they want you to believe you do not have one). Only care about those close to you and what you can influence and enjoy life to the fullest.
Two hours and twenty minutes in the air a mile high in the shade just cruising along rising 400 feet per minute thinking only about whether to track along the cloud edge to the right or cross to that big puffy in front of the showers on the left.

Requires just enough concentration that you don't think about anything else for more than a moment.

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I wish I could. :D Thanks!
I used to read every hifi review I found, bought 'What Hifi ' magazine ... I don't do that now, I only read sources I can verify, or that are self-checking (like ASR with it's BS detectors).
I find that ironic because that's also how I have always approached News - if a source can't be verified then I'm suspicious. I'll read for entertainment but I don't get involved. That's given me a couple of sources that I'm happy with.

Never read the user comments, or social media chats - except for entertainment.

Try to anchor yourself with perspective. If I find myself reacting emotionally then I step back and check myself.

News and information is important, but not as important as people.
Thanks. That is some great common sense advise. :D
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