100% agree.
The ASR community seems to have drifted into "measurement fetishism", focusing on inaudible SINAD differences, in a way that isn't really supported by psychoacoustic science's understanding of listening thresholds.
Which is not particularly scientific, really.
Oh, ASR, how ironic you have become.
Which is why I've lobbied for an "audibility threshold" line on the SINAD graph, but nobody else seems to like the idea.
Maybe because people don't want to recognize it / hear that story, similar to @Blumlein 88 greyhound better example. Don't bust the narrative.
BS. There's no fetishism when companies are shipping shit and charging 6 grand for it.
If you're a golden ear, -116db in the worst of situations. Probably not even close to that for 99% of us in the worst of situations. What's so hard about that? Shall I come to your house with a ruler and a magic marker?