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HifiBerry DAC2 HD Review (Rpi HAT)

Why do you keep saying this? His results are the same as mine as you just post:


See THD+N of -92/94 dB? This is what Archimago got:


He shows -92 dB which is what I got on the worse channel. My better channel shows -94 dB per above. Second harmonic is identical to his as well.

@Amir I were still under the impression that also archimago's measurement in the graph above were done using the Roon source as input, because of this I ask to check with a different source.

Here the link of the measurement table -> https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SP72tKqC...NdgTt4aXACLcBGAsYHQ/s1277/24-96+-+Summary.png

Noise is 111,5db (diagram above) and 110,5db (table right column -"roon"). In the text were stated that he uses Roon as input if not stated different... but maybe I misunderstood.

Here the link of the measurement table -> https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SP72tKqCKBE/YCIxeGhbiAI/AAAAAAAAZaI/_2WkSqhT2KwS7ztf1YaAcKJKNdgTt4aXACLcBGAsYHQ/s1277/24-96+-+Summary.png

Noise is 111,5db (diagram above) and 110,5db (table right column -"roon"). In the text were stated that he uses Roon as input if not stated different... but maybe I misunderstood.

No, THD+N is still identical in those. And Roon wasn’t used for that. In the room version noise seems to be a bit worse, but distortion is the major issue here. Probably a gain thing.
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No, THD+N is still identical in those. And Roon wasn’t used for that. In the room version noise seems to be a bit worse, but distortion is the major issue here. Probably a gain thing.

I still think Archimago did use the roon measurement in the graph. Look at the my marks for the Noise values in the graph and in the table ... it seems that the graph maps to the roon column in the table. Otherwise a noise value around 118db should be printed in the graph..?


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I appreciate what you guys do, I think this DAC is amazing. I have the Modi3 , Sanscrit MK2 and Project Prebox S2 Digital. On my setup it
surpasses the Modi3 and Sanscrit MK2 for detail resolution and 3d presentation. It sounds great. Sound is clear , and in your face. Modi3 has more mass, but I prefer this DAC open signature . Bass is sill weighty. .I use Pro-ject S2 Amps, Mogami RCA cables and Dali speakers . I have struggled to find budget DACs I actually like. This is one i do like alot. I understand it does not measure well, but it sounds great to me. I power the rasberry Pi with a linear power supply.


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My first post - been lurking a while - I was moved to contribute to this thread - Hello!

I use a Raspberry Pi (RPI4, 2Gb RAM) with a 2.5" hdd in a cheap metal caddy attached via one of the USB 3 slots to store music and other files and connect the RPI4 to my AVR (Yamaha RXV-671. Old, I know) via HDMI and bit-stream the audio to let the DACs in the AVR do the work. The regular Raspberry Pi OS and MPD (Music Player Daemon) will do that quite happily. I can control the RPI4 playback via an MPD client on my 'phone or laptop, or via VNC if I choose. If I want I can listen to audio on my 'phone or laptop via BlueTooth or WiFi. I haven't done so but I can also configure to access remotely over the internet if I wanted.

I'm not sure why a DAC HAT is required.
Not sure the advantages or disadvantages of using the hdmi connection. I have used a pi hat with spdif and optical output to external dac The different hats I think would give you better sound than just using basic hdmi. The signal processing might be better.
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At the end of the day, do u guys think there will be an audible difference between my Denon X4300H AVR to my Mcintosh Ma252 VIA RCA ? Vs Pi4 with DAC2 HD to my MA252 ? Speakers are Sonus Faber Olympica I.
No one can tell you that - its just opinion and taste. I was impressed with the DAC2 HD on my system. I did find a more soundstage compared to my Pre Box S2 Digital and Modi3. It sounded better using Volumio vs Moode. After a warm up it apears to improve further.

Some reviews at Pihut: Astonishingly good DAC board for the Pi. I rate the sound quality at least as good as my £1500 Cyrus streamer and far better than the best selling commercially available mid price DAC/streamers currently on the market and it can be upgraded by adding the optional DSP board. Highly recommended! John C

High quality DAC now used to stream to a tube amp - a fun mix of old and new tech - and is decent quality (so much so that I'm trading in a £3k streamer - whilst the streamer is better, it's not so much better that it's worth the difference in cost).
At the end of the day. Its just opinion and what sounds good to you! I play digital radio and MP3 files all day on this unit. I love it.
At the end of the day, do u guys think there will be an audible difference between my Denon X4300H AVR to my Mcintosh Ma252 VIA RCA ? Vs Pi4 with DAC2 HD to my MA252 ? Speakers are Sonus Faber Olympica I.

I hear the difference between my Raspberry 4 with DAC2 HD vs Sabaj D5.
The first one is much less "synthetic", probably the high tones are attenuated or so.
Does it mean worse (or better)? Difficult to say - for sure the difference I can hear.
Btw I use both: in different rooms with different speakers and amps (but the comparison I did with the same amp/speakers)
Sorry.. maybe what i should be asking is:

Based on the DAC Noise & Distortion SINAD chart amirm posted, is there even any audible difference between a DAC that has a score of 120 vs a score of 94? Or are they all just numbers that human ears can’t hear ?
In my opinion. You wont hear a difference (noise wise). Any decent DAC these days should give you good sound quality with no audible noise . The difference comes in presentation. I have 5 DACs and 3 mini usb DACs. Case in point: The Modi 3 on this forum has a very good score noise wise ( I bought it based on this score) . On my system , it does not sound as great as the DAC2 HD. Modi 3 has a weightiness to its sound signiture.But I do think it maybe will sound good/better on the right system. I bought the DAC2 HD after trying the much cheaper older DAC + Pro on my main sysyem and being impressed. I use the DAC + Pro in my workshop. I do use linear power supplys . I was told by Hifiberry I dont need to use them on the DAC2 HD. I still need to confirm this.
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In my opinion. You wont hear a difference (noise wise). Any decent DAC these days should give you good sound quality with no audible noise . The difference comes in presentation. I have 5 DACs and 3 mini usb DACs. Case in point: The Modi 3 on this forum has a very good score noise wise ( I bought it based on this score) . On my system , it does not sound as great as the DAC2 HD. Modi 3 has a weightiness to its sound signiture.But I do think it maybe will sound good/better on the right system. I bought the DAC2 HD after trying the much cheaper older DAC + Pro on my main sysyem and being impressed. I use the DAC + Pro in my workshop. I do use linear power supplys . I was told by Hifiberry I dont need to use them on the DAC2 HD. I still need to confirm this.
I know they said it is not needed, but I find that the sound quality improved with it. Even untrained ear hear the difference.
Sorry.. maybe what i should be asking is:

Based on the DAC Noise & Distortion SINAD chart amirm posted, is there even any audible difference between a DAC that has a score of 120 vs a score of 94? Or are they all just numbers that human ears can’t hear ?
Good question. For me CD quality is enough as most my material is 16b/44k. Is there a benefit in having high spec DAC?
Sorry.. maybe what i should be asking is:

Based on the DAC Noise & Distortion SINAD chart amirm posted, is there even any audible difference between a DAC that has a score of 120 vs a score of 94? Or are they all just numbers that human ears can’t hear ?
Certainly there is an audible difference, but few would be able to state which is more accurate in a blind test.
This is a good question. The data sheet shows degraded performance at less than 5V. The review also does not state which RPi model was used. I’ve definitely seen voltage drops well below 5V with my RPi 3B even with no HAT when using an inadequate power supply.


The device reviewed was mine.

Here is the info on the Pi model:

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B/4GB
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