Why do you keep saying this? His results are the same as mine as you just post:
See THD+N of -92/94 dB? This is what Archimago got:
He shows -92 dB which is what I got on the worse channel. My better channel shows -94 dB per above. Second harmonic is identical to his as well.
@Amir I were still under the impression that also archimago's measurement in the graph above were done using the Roon source as input, because of this I ask to check with a different source.
Here the link of the measurement table -> https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SP72tKqC...NdgTt4aXACLcBGAsYHQ/s1277/24-96+-+Summary.png
Noise is 111,5db (diagram above) and 110,5db (table right column -"roon"). In the text were stated that he uses Roon as input if not stated different... but maybe I misunderstood.