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Jim Shaw

Addicted to Fun and Learning
Forum Donor
Mar 16, 2021
North central USA
I'm presently planning to attend AXPONA in Chicago. Is anyone else here going?
It's booked for October 29-31, 2021. https://www.axpona.com/about.asp
I haven't been to an audio show in years. Still, my expectations are not high. I'm inclined to think more of it as a 'loud music and advertising B.S.' show. That said, it has been so long for me, I'm sure I can be all eyes and ears for a couple of days. Well, at least, mostly. For the rest, there's Tylenol.

One aspect that recommends AXPONA to me is that it's a pretty cheap and quick nonstop flight to O'hare airport, which isn't more than 13 miles from the airport to the convention site. So, I can fly in the morning, just stay one night, and leave the next afternoon. Voila! I'm home, blinded and deafened, all in one go.

The best of shows is reading the superlative review afterwards where reviews magically pick out the sound of component X, let's say a DAC, or amplifier, even though it is connected to speaker they are not familiar, an amp they are not familiar with (if a source component), and in a room that has about the worst acoustics one can imagine. I wonder if they use a hat, random number generator, or blinky light factor to pick out best of show? ...which is really best of the worst because much of will sound awful.
Yes. I don't intend to make any purchase decisions at AXPONA. My visit is purely for my entertainment. But I DO expect manufacturers to put their best possible foot forward. And I'm weary of the uncountable YT pundits who have even less informed and educated opinions about what's good, bad, and ugly. Their opinions are often much further off kilter than I expect to hear in a hotel room with bad acoustics.

I tend to trust Amir, but he just can't test all the products that will be at this show. And, in particular, I am interested in stuff I've never heard OF before.
I'll be going, whenever it actually ends up being. The show has grown overwhelmingly large over the years. I did all three days last time with the intent of seeing every exhibitor (however briefly) and failed. Granted, one of those days was a bit derailed by being a tour guide for someone I know who did want to go to shop for a system. Kii Threes were an easy recommendation and they demo'd very well, very much worth checking out if you've never heard them.
Lars Kristensen consistently runs excellent demos; the big Borresen room was easily best of show for me. I hear Andrew Jones is similarly skilled at getting the best out of shows and his Elac setup was outstanding for the money.
The best of shows is reading the superlative review afterwards where reviews magically pick out the sound of component X, let's say a DAC, or amplifier, even though it is connected to speaker they are not familiar, an amp they are not familiar with (if a source component), and in a room that has about the worst acoustics one can imagine.

I went to the new show here, two years in a row.

The size is manageable.

Other than the big dollar ballroom setups, the rooms were all similar, though the orientation of the setups varied between using the long and short walls.

Audio Buddy and I decided it was worthwhile only to listen to speakers, as electronics did not distinguish themselves to any noticeable degree.
You get to meet with some of the key people behind these products. And discover/enjoy a lot of good music. So if you can do it, I definitely recommend going. And AXPONA has always been one of the good shows to attend.
You get to meet with some of the key people behind these products.
Just don't tell them that you are a member of ASR!

You will, as you would at any audio show, hear some systems that are just broken and be told by the manufacturers/distributors/dealers that they sound great.
What's the % of vinyl-vs-digital rooms at AXPONA? From the looks of the video rundowns from the last RMAF, it seems like many of the rooms here were vinyl.
Make sure to get a selfie with Paul McGowan. It'll make Amir really jealous. ;)
After some of the things I've written, I doubt Paul's bodyguards would let me get that close to him.

I think a seminar featuring Amir, Paul, and Steve G. might be amusing....
What's the % of vinyl-vs-digital rooms at AXPONA? From the looks of the video rundowns from the last RMAF, it seems like many of the rooms here were vinyl.
I'm not sure of the percentage; many of the high dollar rooms demonstrate turntables, but many of those also have digital front ends. There are also a few high dollar rooms that employ state of the art reel to reel decks. I could never afford those systems, but I like to hear them nonetheless.
I've been a few times, and agree. Some vinyl, some high-res on R2R like old Studers, as well as computer file selections. I have asked to play something I brought a few times on CD, and typically am declined the opportunity, save for having the album in their selections on their hard drive.

Agreed though, lots are broken or disjointed systems. There are some jewels though...
watch out for this

spike protein of corona virus.jpg
What's the % of vinyl-vs-digital rooms at AXPONA? From the looks of the video rundowns from the last RMAF, it seems like many of the rooms here were vinyl.
It varies from year to year. I would say 30% is vinyl. Many also have digital sources.
Make sure to get a selfie with Paul McGowan. It'll make Amir really jealous. ;)
You know in all the shows I have gone to, I have never seen Paul there in person when I am there. So maybe he could foretell this future!
I no longer go to shows, but if I did, I would have to avoid the former Mr. Kim Catrall and the Atma-Sphere guy. And the Schiit guys and the TotalDac guy. (Although I recently purged a lot of my old Schiit-posts because that company apparently is now dedicated to good engineering...)

And a lot of other guys I'm forgetting about.

The only people I have ever enjoyed meeting at an audio show are the kind folks from Hsu Research.
The Atmasphere guy ain't all bad. At least he understands something about distortion and is not under the impression that tubes have magically qualities, even though that is where he makes his money. Ya, he is a bit weak in some areas, but I would take him over a many many people in the equipment industry.
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