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Doctor Who - The 14th Doctor

Well, the next episode this year (Jodie's last thankfully) has David Tennant and Catherine Tate I believe (they've been filmed extensively these last few weeks and Ncuti may not appear until next year.

I didn't think JW was up to the role at all (and neither wife and I thought she was much cop in Broadchurch either). The actor playing the role (I couldn't give a stuff on their colour or sexual preference outside of the show FFS!) has to have some gravitas and 'presence' to pull it off properly (I thought Matt Smith was far too young and more like an enthusiastic puppy the way he scampered about - he 'd be far better today now he's grown up a bit). Tennant in the pics looks as if he's not changed a bit (so more of the gurning loon if we're not careful :D ).

*My* Doctor overall is Patrick Troughton and one of my favourite scenes of all is this, which the likes of Jodie could never have attempted at all - in my opinion

The other scene which I love so fondly is this -

Different worlds, different times, but it's little but important things like this (oh, and the Daleks too :D ) which helped cement this show into my very being all these years...
Different worlds, different times, but it's little but important things like this (oh, and the Daleks too :D ) which helped cement this show into my very being all these years...
I know it's all pure nostalgia but there's just something about viewing those old clips that seems so very special to me.
I see Tennant rates Gatwa as “scarily good, brilliant”, and “a very exciting new Doctor”. Cool.
Hopefully this keeps everyone happy nostalgia wise and most of all let's hope the writing is good and continues when the new actor comes in after 2023.
What exciting news, I now know there will be at least three episodes of Dr Who I can look forward to viewing next year.
I see Tennant rates Gatwa as “scarily good, brilliant”, and “a very exciting new Doctor”. Cool.
That's what they said at the introduction of Jodie some years back
As to Jodi, good riddance to bad rubbish as the old saying goes. She near single handedly trashed the whole Dr Who franchise.
A very sad occurrence it was IMHO.
As to the next Dr, well we know it's all a big PC move, I just hope it doesn't turn out as bad as Jodi.
As to Jodi, good riddance to bad rubbish as the old saying goes.
Yeah, I just feel her heart was not in the role and she has admitted as much too. A good Doctor Who actor needs to be a bit quirky and have a soft spot for the subject matter... no matter how freaking weird it may get.

Thank god it's over, fingers crossed RTD can refloat the wreck.
As to the next Dr, well we know it's all a big PC move, I just hope it doesn't turn out as bad as Jodi.
Haven't seen Jodi Whittaker yet but my first Doctor was Matt Smith.
I'm sure Ncuti Gatwa can match the manic energy some of the past couple of Doctors were known for. Though he might have to tone it down a bit. :p

I'm not entirely sure about bringing back one of the old actors. I would rather keep the good memory alive than find out the issue was the writing instead of the actor.
The BBC have had to 'tick a load of boxes' in recent times and Doctor Who is no exception...
I guess Netflix can be accused of the same, when they started hosting the French "Lupin" series that is "inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin".
Omar Sy does good acting but... he can't be a kissing cousin for SherlockHolmes' nemesis!
Great to see the new logo, a wonderful homage to the shows classic era and another part of the Chibnall/Whittaker era thrown in the trash can (the Chibnall era logo was just as awful as everything else connected with his tenure as show runner). The Disney link isn't surprising, the show was on its last legs and there has been a lot of speculation that if Bad Wolf hadn't taken it on (it has been outsourced from BBC studios, with BW now being pretty much in charge) it was going to have another 'rest' to use the euphemism. The show was damaged goods, whatever the BBC has tried to cling onto publicly it's pretty clear that Chibnall left a wreck. Hopefully RTD will bring it back to where it was a few years ago. Ncuti Gatwa looks a charismatic lead who can act and although RTD has pretty strong political views I think he is too professional to just annoy half his potential audience by just using it as a vehicle for his politics. If you look at his first stint it was all very progressive but nobody was bothered because it was great entertainment and very well crafted. The issue with Chibnall wasn't so much the social agenda type stuff but that there was nothing else, the story ideas, writing and acting were all appalling meaning there was nothing left but a lot of heavy-handed messaging. I expect RTD to be as progressive as anything (I don't like the term 'woke') but I suspect it'll be great entertainment with something for everyone. Fingers crossed.
Oh snap... yes, Tennant is back! :D


Composite image of actors Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant in Doctor Who. Whittaker looks at her hands. Tennant looks surprised

Hopefully this keeps everyone happy nostalgia wise and most of all let's hope the writing is good and continues when the new actor comes in after 2023.


"What, WHAT?!!!" :D

DT is many NuWho fan's favourite (Matt Smith runs him close as well I gather), so 'RTD2' has done good here to try to bring fans back (the latest excursion drew a small audience, half that of her first episode and half the show which immediately preceded it in the UK).

Looks currently as if next November is the next showing and DT has three 'specials' with Ncuti coming in at the end I think...
Looks currently as if next November is the next showing and DT has three 'specials' with Ncuti coming in at the end I think...
Yeah DT will be in three 60th Anniversary episodes next year and then Ncuti takes over. :)

I just noticed this thread. I'm glad but hardly surprised to see a non-White actor in the Doctor Who role: congrats to Ncuti Gatwa on his designation to that role.

To be sure, there never was any reason why Doctor Who had to be a White man (or woman) ... or for that matter, even a human being. The current diversity imperative, (perhaps), has finally and belatedly provided a break from the previous convention.

I haven't watched Doctor Who in quite a few years. Thanks to my wife's interest in the show, I did catch a few shows with Tennant and Smith as the good Doctor. However for me the classic Doctor Smith was the fourth one who played the role years ago when I did first watched, Tom Baker.

I just noticed this thread. I'm glad but hardly surprised to see a non-White actor in the Doctor Who role: congrats to Ncuti Gatwa on his designation to that role.

To be sure, there never was any reason why Doctor Who had to be a White man (or woman) ... or for that matter, even a human being. The current diversity imperative, (perhaps), has finally and belatedly provided a break from the previous convention.

I haven't watched Doctor Who in quite a few years. Thanks to my wife's interest in the show, I did catch a few shows with Tennant and Smith as the good Doctor. However for me the classic Doctor Smith was the fourth one who played the role years ago when I did first watched, Tom Baker.

He isn’t a human being he’s a Time Lord. Stick with Tom Baker as the BBC trashed the show a while back. Like so much so called drama it’s more about keeping us on message, rather than entertainment.
Like so much so called drama it’s more about keeping us on message, rather than entertainment.
Rubbish, Dr Who has always been progressive with subtle messaging even in the Tom Baker (best DW) era... that changed with Chibnall to much more in the face which came across as writing a story around around a statement rather than just naturally being a part of the story. I hope he never has anything to do with Dr Who writing again as his style is not in harmony with the feel of the show prior to his tenure.

Rubbish, Dr Who has always been progressive with subtle messaging even in the Tom Baker (best DW) era... that changed with Chibnall to much more in the face which came across as writing a story around around a statement rather than just naturally being a part of the story. I hope he never has anything to do with Dr Who writing again as his style is not in harmony with the feel of the show prior to his tenure.

Carry on like this and you may become Drama critic for the Guardian.
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