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Coffee - do you and how do you consume it?

Can't believe people pollute perfectly good coffee with milk and sugar! Might as well percolate Maxwell House. It is like putting coke in good whiskey!

I appreciate good beans, but am lazy, so just drip Folgers dark. Hate Starbucks. Best I ever had was from a Broken Egg shop.
I think I am immune to caffeine. For some reason, my desk was always right next to our coffee mess, so 40 years of a cup in my hand. I can drink a cup with my apple pie and go right to sleep.
French press for many years and now on the weekends. Usually Starbucks whole bean houseblend from costco. Now use an oxo 9-cup maker so its programmed for when we get up and have to walk the dog. What possessed us to get a covid labrador puppy when I could have gotten a pair of M16s or DBR-62s and a minidsp 2x4HD? Choices choices...
Make mine a double double please.


I miss this when I'm back in the UK.
I'm both an Aeropress and French Press user preferring lighter "third wave" roasts by a wide margin. I find even a hint of darkness unpleasant regardless of the quality of the beans. I grind the coffee beans daily with a basic but very effective little hand grinder of Japanese design, but of Chinese build. Love coffee, wish that darks worked for me, but I find them bitter and without character, just heavy and acrid tasting.
I also have tried this...
It is more or less a ****** coffee :)


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Interesting aside, did you know that bear's do not truly hibernate? Learned this from a bonafide expert biologist Michael Runts from Carleton University as a student in a few of his courses.
I tried some Starbucks coffee for the first time recently (I lead a sheltered life). It was what they call a 'medium' roast but to my taste it was burned to a crisp. Truly revolting! Good thing I didn't try the dark roast ...
I think it depends on which part of the world you live in! Especially in America I believe they are used to a more roasted bean. My reaction was the same as you ;) I still drank it all though LOL
Love coffee, wish that darks worked for me, but I find them bitter and without character, just heavy and acrid tasting.

If you roast them enough, they will all start to taste the same. I also prefer the lighter to medium roasts...to me, an oily bean is an over-roasted bean.
I use in no particular preference order:
  • Bialetti 2 cup stove-top
  • Aeropress
  • Hario ceramic V2
  • 2-cup Chemex
If I have guests then:
  • 4-cup Chemex
  • Bodum Caffetière
  • Technivorm Moccamaster
I rarely drink espresso, not because I don't like it, but they're so small and I prefer a longer drink. Also, since I only have a couple of vintage Italian manual espresso machines, it takes about an hour to get the machine set up and dialled in. Then one mouthful of espresso and an hour to clean up he kitchen again! But my Arrarex Caravel and LaPavoni Europiccola are great fun if I have the time ...

I only have manual grinders:
  • Knock Hausgrind
  • Orphan Espresso Lido II
  • Various vintage handgrinders - mostly Peter Dienes
My goto bean is from my local roaster Just Coffee's Ethiopian Natural which tastes absoluely amazing whatever brew method.

I can smell...ell...ell, the coffee brewin'.
I'll take mine black, you know it's good, it's good to be back.

Dan Hick's and His Hot Licks, Cowboy's Dream No. 19

Don't you touch hard liquor, just a cup of cold coffee,
Gonna get up in the morning and go.

Jerry Garcia (Robert Hunter), Loser

Under lockdown (in the UK) I'm using Nespresso pods.

But, when in the office I like to visit an amazingly pretentious coffee place nearby. The staff are incredibly rude and aloof and seemingly think no-one worthy of their brewing. If you crack a joke or say anything friendly they look at you like you just broke wind in a lift. It's almost a show.

But, the coffee is amazing. They provide detailed provenance of the beans, the roast, the grind etc etc (it changes regularly).
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